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Comment Re:Nice! (Score 2) 80

And in this town they communicate with the administration via modulated speech sent over copper cables, or e-mail or scribbled ink on some dead tree or via electronic instant messaging system.

Comment Re:Nobody grows basil in dirt anyway.... (Score 1) 279

I would call greenhouses indoor farming already, and I agree with you it is to control multiple factors. But farming in densely populated areas just makes no sense. You can build a transport network that connects your high value high density urban land with your low value crap land and build a gazzilion greenhouses for a higher yield and way less cost.

Even if you removed fossil fuels from the transport network and went all electric it still works out more efficient.

Japan does some crazy intensive farming in and around urban areas where you will see towns where the houses are surrounded on all sides by rice fields. But you can also see it would be cripplingly inefficient.

In the end however indoor farming of any kind, be it greenhouses or vertical in cities cannot produce the amount of food we require. We need to large scale farm with highly efficient machines crops such as rice, wheat, barley and corn. There is a reason we use massive combine harvesters.

Comment Nobody grows basil in dirt anyway.... (Score 2) 279

Unless it's the ratty organic version it's all hydroponic already. And it is grown in greenhouses which are cheap and easy to build and can be put just about anywhere. Then for running cost you don't need to be running lights.

Even if you argue arable land was running out, which I also call bullshit on, there is cubic buttloads of crap land you can stick greenhouses on and grow your crops there at a fraction of the cost of running leds. This is what a basil farm really looks like -

Now if we are talking corn or grain or sugar there is NO way you can get the density needed to put it in a building.

Comment Re:Linux Mint + Windows Games & Photoshop (Score 1) 484

Where in Java are you talking about? I don't notice anything on my system...

As for XDMCP I don't think it is supported via MDM, the default login manager. However if you replace MDM with LightDM you will have working XDMCP support if you add the following to lightdm.conf


MDM dropped support for XDMCP back in 2013 and has no intentions of reimplementing it......

Comment Re:Linux Mint + Windows Games & Photoshop (Score 1) 484

Absolutely this. It causes me no end of frustration when Thunderbird steals focus because of it's dodgy calender implementation.

But I will now quite happily roll mint out to random relatives on a dual boot system and let them run with it. Most of the time they don't end up going back into windows because the most intensive thing they do is run Chrome.

Comment Linux Mint + Windows Games & Photoshop (Score 1) 484

That would pretty much get me right there.

Linux Mint & Cinnamon is by far the best UI out there at the moment. If it could flawlessly play windows games and things like photoshop I would be a happy man. All the other decisions feel about right. Ext4 for the filesystem, network manager is clean and works well, I love the file manager, bash shell and I'm pretty much done.

I'd leave ZFS for dedicated storage boxes.

Comment Re:religious intolerance (Score 1) 270

Had no idea what kapporot or shechitah was so I had to look them up. From what I read Shechitah is just another term for Kosher slaughtering and im going to guess your issue is with killing a chicken rather than someone giving away coins in Kapporot.

Therefore I'm assuming you are arguing that slaughter of animals for food via kosher means is materially worse that other methods. And materially worse enough that you think that attacking those people who follow that practice is rightly justifiable?

As for the circumcision of boys I actually agree with you. To me it is the genital mutilation of a minor and I believe it should be banned. One of my relatives is a neonatal nurse and she nearly had a baby die because of a botched circumcision. The rabbi hid that he had nicked an artery and kept just mopping up the blood.

Comment Re:Fee Fees Hurt? (Score 4, Interesting) 270

The US started as a common law country and its basis was the UK system however it has diverged significantly and is recognised as having significant components of civil law.

At the federal level there is no plenary statute which means courts at a federal level are unable to create precedent without that precedent being challenged. Although federal courts can create federal common law in the form of case law, such law must be linked one way or another to the interpretation of a particular federal constitutional provision, statute, or regulation.

This came to a head in the 1930s in Erie Railroad vs Tompkims. It also had the effect of showing federal courts had no authority over states if there was no federal impact.

In essence the US operates two types of legal systems. At a state level it is common law and at the federal level it is civil law.

Comment Re:religious intolerance (Score 1) 270

Religious intolerance is already defined in other pieces of legislation and it would not stop you telling someone you thought they were brain dead for believing in a god. And they have every right to say you should convert to their faith.

Religious intolerance, rather, is when a group (e.g., a society, religious group, non-religious group) specifically refuses to tolerate practices, persons or beliefs on religious grounds (i.e., intolerance in practice). So this would be where you are attacking someone for exercising the practices of their faith. ie attacking someone for observing Ramadan.

Your signature says you live in a world of gray so I assume you can see the difference between those two things.

Comment Re:Fee Fees Hurt? (Score 4, Interesting) 270

You are looking at this from the wrong perspective, which is understandable given the US and NZ have completely different structures for how their laws are built.

Firstly laws in common law countries tend to be much much broader than laws in a legislative country such as the US. The expectation is that the courts will take the laws and interpret them and them implement those laws in accordance with precedents set in related laws. If the government or another party doesn't feel that the laws were applied correctly then the outcome will be appealed, potentially all the way to the high court.

As for your assertion that the laws will be abused by the wealthy it just wont happen. The courts in NZ and Australia are fiercely independent and has no qualms attacking political appointments or positions. To get some idea on the level of backlash that can occur have a look at the recent appointment of Michael Carmody to the position of Chief Justice in Queensland, He lasted 7 months. So if a wealth person or politician were to try to abuse these laws I think you would see them come unstuck real fast.

Comment Re:Slippery slope (Score 2) 270

As I posted above the bar for where something is deemed to be an issue will be determined by case law. Given NZ is a common law country they will build precedents around what is ok and what is not. The tricky period is now when legislation has been passed but there are not enough cases tried to know where things will sit.

Comment Re:Fee Fees Hurt? (Score 4, Informative) 270

NZ is a common law country so over time case history will begin to determine what the courts will see as problem material and what doesn't. I also suspect they will start near the bar of what would cause a problem if it was published in newspapers or on billboards. Something I'm sure there is existing case law about.

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