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Comment Re:Constitution and multiple parties (Score 1) 71

No Westminster system is party based for elections you vote for individuals. Though some of those systems have a hybrid system for the Senate / House of review.

Looking at - https://commons.wikimedia.org/... I would guess first past the post (US style) is probably the most represented, followed by a hybrid then party based.

Comment Re:Irrelevant (Score 1) 71

My bike will cut the ignition instantly if it is in gear and the side stand is put down. That is pretty much standard on every modern motorcycle. The only variation I have seen recently is the one that kills the ignition when you start to let the clutch out. I prefer the one that cuts as soon as you put the bike in gear as you aren't expecting the bike to move forward when it happens so you aren't shifting your weight around.

Comment Re:Not the holder's money (Score 1) 98

As yet, there isn't a criminal code for copyright infringement, it's a civil matter.

Not quite accurate. There are actually a number of instances where copyright infringement can become a criminal act. There is a cost level at which the infringement becomes illegal, I believe if that value is higher than $5000 off the top of my head. You can also be charged if you release copyrighted material prior to the international release date. This happened to a Sydney guy who released a pirated copy of the Simpsons movie prior to its release date.

You will also fall foul of a criminal charge if you are infringing on copyright for commercial gain. ie selling a pc with a pirated windows installed. Or selling the DVDs out of the boot of your car (in that case you will also fall foul of counterfeit laws)

Comment Re:Scrap heap (Score 1) 400

I run both side by side because I have one site I need which for some completely unknown reason doesn't work in Chrome. Outside of that though I use chrome for everything. There are a couple of things I wish I could do in Chrome that firefox does - vertical tabs for one. But then I discovered Tabs Outliner which fulfils my requirements better.

I like having synced bookmarks, history etc across all my devices and I don't care about google harvesting my data. (I don't think I have ever clicked an internet ad on purpose)

Comment Re:Irrelevant (Score 1) 71

I have issues with traffic lights seeing me on my motorcycle. Not often admittedly but still often enough to be noticeable. It tends to be on 2 lane roads which have been subjected to heavy traffic. I'm not sure if the loops have been damaged or if it is me using a different position due to the damaged surface but they cant sense me. (Bike is a Honda CBR1000rr)

Comment Re:They WILL FIght Back (Score 5, Interesting) 516

There was a wind turbine near me that was removed by local council order. It was one of those spiral tube looking ones and the person had put it up in their front yard on essentially a flag pole with guy wires.

The thing had a fair amount of slap in the pole which was kinda scary to watch. But the main thing was this thing screamed when its speed got up. Not sure what it was, whether it was the bearings, the motor or maybe the brakes but it started to sound like a jet turbine spinning up when it was going fast (and bloody hell did it spin fast!)

I used to drive past it on the way to and from work and could comfortably hear it over the car's engine and aircon with the windows closed.

Comment Re:Here's the deal (Score 1) 215

I worked for 3 years in recruitment in the UK. I don't know Computer Futures personally, and all I will say is that I have seen vastly different levels of skill, capability and ethics in recruiters inside the same company. It is a very difficult thing to manage.

Some of the things you have mentioned there are illegal (advertising a role without one for example). Some of the things are pointless. Why do I want to see the CV of someone I cant place? Why send someone on interview when the salary is 20% + out? It wastes everyone's time, including the recruiter.

Comment Re:Here's the deal (Score 1) 215

Then why does anyone specialise in high salary areas? Why aren't we all just placing unskilled labour? I have addressed this elsewhere but simply put, in the highly skilled area, you do not place the raw number of people to make this work and negotiating salaries is easier and takes very little time. Compared to getting someone a job the negotiation part is less that 1% in time.

Comment Re:Here's the deal (Score 1) 215

And believe me I wish this wasn't true. I actually like what I do and I think I provide an important service for people. But I am always battling against the actions of others.

With regards to the impediment to the hiring manager though. I would disagree with that point. A good recruiter will have the contact details and relationships with people you won't even know. So they should be facilitating your contact.

As I have said before I have been operating in the same area for a long time. So I organise about 20% of my interviews without having a CV from a candidate. I do this because I have tracked the right person down, approached them and got them interested in a new role. The clients I speak to trust my judgement and will interview the person on my recommendation alone. This is where a good recruiter can open doors for you.

Comment Re:You are not an agent for the employee (Score 1) 215

Yes and no. While it is true that the company is the person who pays the bills it is often the candidate that is more valuable to you. Your example of swapping Person B for Person A is often the opposite in high skilled industries. It tends to be Person A has to choose between Company A,B or C. So though I am technically being paid by the company it is the candidate that means I will earn money. I will be the one who has represented that person to all 3 companies. So which person is my client then?

Also the agent description you have described is illegal in Queensland (not in all states of Australia). I completely understand your definition but operating as an agent like that here is prohibited by law because there were lots of scummy companies that charged people to find them a job then did nothing.

Comment Re:Here's the deal (Score 1) 215

The engineering space saw the same thing as well. I actually felt sorry for one guy who made the mistake of uploading his CV to a job board and his skillsets made him incredibly rare. He basically got a new phone number. But most of those recruiters have flamed out. It was a time when recruitment was relatively easy, the market is much more difficult these days.

Comment Re:Here's the deal (Score 1) 215

Not so far. Though there are some areas where the line seems to blur such as ITC (Intelligent Traffic Control) and instrumentation design for plants. But I specialise on the physical side so the closest I come to those are the mechanical engineers and electrical engineers doing piping design or HV/LV transmission design. I don't really ever cover the next step along so it is out of my experience window.

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