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Comment Re:Umm, ctrl+c/ctrl+v? (Score 4, Insightful) 681

I was wondering when one of the "oh the new start menu is great, it's just misunderstood and needs to be relabeled" goblins crawls out of his cave to poop his bullshit on this thread.
Did the epic failure of 8 teach you nothing? We WANT the proper tree menu in start menu. Not your shitty catastrophe that can't even have a proper tree structure. An actual, usable start menu.

Go back to your cave. Eight is dead as is (hopefully) start screen. Even microsoft is apparently starting to get it.

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 1) 365

Bullshit. This is the original statement with important part bolded:

I live in city of Tampere, and buy electricity from provider in Kouvola (https://www.kssenergia.fi/). The distance between our cities is several hundred kilometers, but this works because electric grid is unified, and what actually happens is that provider feeds a certain amount of energy into the grid, and whatever energy I take out is billed according to our contract. Provider is required to feed this much power (+ certain surplus for transmission) into the grid at its local exchange.

At no part was there a suggestion that consumer dictates who generates their electricity. All that is claimed is that there is a common pool, and you can decide who to pay to fill the pool for the amount you're taking out of it.

Comment Re:Weather is NOT climate (Score 1) 567

Thing is, we are very sheltered from global effects, because none of the major symptoms of global warming are visible in Fennoscandian region due to persistent environmental factors, such as rising land that is rising much faster than sea levels, or the fact that Gulf Stream effectively amortises us from most of the extreme weather effects.

The main things that they see are things like price fluctuations, many of which are in fact beneficial to farmers who produce the good that is going to be increasingly scarce.

Comment Re:"Surprising"??? (Score 3, Interesting) 567

Swedish farmers, like most people of Fennoscandia do indeed see less effect from global warming that vast majority of planet's population.

First of all, our ground is rising several times faster than global warming is rising sea levels. This is because of depression caused by recent ice age, and after ice mass retreated, the ground started to rise to the state in which it was before vast amounts of ice were sitting on top of it. This is an ongoing process that completely eliminates the problems from rising sea levels around here.

Then there's the fact that our winters are more dependent on Gulf Stream than on any other global trend, and Stream is still going strong enough to keep us warm. That amortises the effect of global warming to a significant degree.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 365

Except that grid's ROE is terrible, while nuclear power plant ROE is among the top of all industries in existence, simply due to reasonably cheap operating and fuel costs (when compared to amount of electricity produced).

But sure, whatever helps you think that you're doing a "good thing" while in reality you're shitting on environment and your poor. Ivory towers and strawmen that you build to make them comfortable are nice, aren't they?

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 1) 365

The gas is going down for one single reason - warm winter this year as jet stream caused massive freeze over North America and massive thaw over Europe.

That is also the reason behind issues in US.

Something that environmentalist spin doctors immediately used to pretend as hard as possible that this is some kind of a change to status quo of worsening of the emissions.

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 1) 365

You know, it's always fun when people post numbers that show they are wrong, and then they claim based on those numbers that they are in fact right.

Because you know, 262,9 > 283,2. Right?
And the fact that they have to use mothballed old plants today means that CO2 has gone up from 2005. Something Germany was forced to admit on official level. Woops.

And please, stop the "gas historical high" bullshit. Gas is growing. Massively. They need the hot reserve.

Comment Re:Probably NVidia, not AMD (Score 1) 75

Several problems.

1. Most people running hd4000 series run cheapo laptops with 768p resolution. Planned phones (not yet out) have about the same GPU power as that, powering a much bigger screen. Oops, intel won by default, and most people playing actual core games run Nvidia or Ati discreet cards. Oops again.

2. Google thought that google glass is going to be enormous success among other things. Microsoft thought that its games for windows live will sink Steam. Apple thought that they had smartphone market cornered and there's no need for console gaming any more.

Then reality showed that company PR bullshit is just that. I still urge you to find me a titular AAA release that had a good release on a mobile platform. I also urge you to look into average game sold on the mobile and compare is to an average game sold on PC or console and understand that these games do not even target the same people. Drawing a "mobile gaming will kill the core gaming" argument is akin to arguing that "proliferation of civilian aviation will kill car sales".

Comment Re:So not a total ripoff anymore? (Score 1) 365

And we don't have to care, because Areva is paying for it. And unless Areva goes under (exploding in laughter over the absurdity of French government allowing is prized jewel go under because of a single project), the only problem our power company resposible for it has is getting decent lawyers to ensure that arbitrage ensures that all contractual conflicts and fines are paid.

So indeed, I don't have to worry.

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 1) 365

Your inane assumption is that there is only one provider. Something I explicitly pointed out to be false.

The pool model, which is how electricity supply/demand has been (note: HAS BEEN as in this model has been working for a long time now) managed, is that you have a lot of providers (power generators) and a lot of distributors (utilities). They all meet at the pool exchange and buy/sell power as needed. The pool is fed by all the providers and taken out by all the suppliers.

There is no single source, which is the strawman you are basing your assumption on.

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