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Comment some reasons in my company (Score 1) 382

  1. Stakeholders do not understand KISS.
  2. Good designers that actually think about their design implementation are rare beasts. Most just draw whatever they like visually like.
  3. Again, stakeholders do not understand how responsive design works. They ask different for different things from desktop and mobile sites.
  4. As a result of things I listed above developers maintain two fairly different frontends.
  5. After a while stakeholders forget we have two versions of the website and plan new features with one (desktop or mobile) version in mind. Some developers just send them back to drawing board, some implement whatever they ask and add even more fragmentation.

Comment Re:Being treated like they matter (Score 1) 524

Yes, show your developers matter. I didn't realize this until I joined my current workplace. Asking for IDE license? (approx 1/20th of my monthly pay): "We'll look at that". Multiple times. Complaining your machine is crap? (laptop with 4 gigs of ram, maxed out): no reaction at all. Asking HR to purchase bicycle via cycle scheme?: "We'll look at that" (3 months now, not a single step taken). Needless to say I'm looking for a new place.

Comment Re:Beast of burden (Score 5, Interesting) 210

I know it's pricey and not perfect, but some cons of a mule compared to this machine:

  • You can't chuck a mule into storage to wait until it's required
  • You can't ship a mule in a, say, container
  • You can't (at least easily) airdrop a mule
  • You can't temporary hide a mule for couple days in a forest or under snow
  • You cannot remotely controll a mule
  • Mules might have difficulties in staying calm when bullets and bombs start flying arround
  • In case of injury the whole mule must be replaced, no spares

Disclaimer: neither military, nor mule specialist ... Based on very general understandment about military

Comment Re:Unusable? (Score 2) 1110

Happy user of Lenovo X1. Got it with Windows8 (no other option), played for 4 hours and installed Ubuntu. And since Windows for some reason showed me that there's only 65 gigs of free space left on my shiny new computer with 128Gb(Gib?) SSD I wiped windows cleanly (including recovery partition).

I also got a new Dell workstation at work. Not sure if it was managements fault or there is no choice but it came with Windows8, which was wiped immediately. Got it on VirtualBox now for IE testing which is about 1hr/month. I'm not sure if many of those millions had a choice.

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The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
