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Comment Re:Interesting, but that is all (Score 1) 152

Underground cities are possible. Nuclear powered grow lamps lighting up hydroponic farms would get you all the vegetables you would need. Water might be a problem, but I think it is a NASA solved problem on a small scale, so likely it could be solved on a larger scale.

Mars is just as doable, it might require lenses to concentrate the sun's light, or going with grow lights, but we could do it just fine.

What we are missing with both of these is political will, not the ability.

Comment Re:TANSTAAFL (Score 2) 171

Did I say anything about Fossil Fuels? Don't put words in my mouth. There is no power generation method without some kind of tragedy of the commons (externalized costs).

Nuclear - Waste
Hydro - Land destruction/fish extinctions
Solar - High Land use/nasty chemicals in fabrication
Wind - Dead birds/rare earths used in construction with all the poisoning that involves
Tidal - Removing energy from the tides which effects tidal species

Please, show me the mythical free energy method you developed that doesn't have any externalized costs.

Comment Re:FEAR (Score 1) 686

Your coworker was probably right, as WMD (chemical weapons) were shown used against the Kurds in his lifetime, but apparently you aren't old enough to remember it. The WMD came from the US, but were not meant for that purpose but as a deterant against an invasion by Iran. Also, during this most recent war, there were chemical weapons recovered and destroyed in Iraq, but you may have missed the news as it wasn't a big deal to the military as they already knew they were there.

Comment Re:Doublethink (Score 1) 686

I have seen plenty of ignorance from the pro Snowden side just in this comment section. Much of the ignorance is over what Snowden actually revealed. What was the government doing that was so bad? Please provide links to your assertions, bonus points if you provide links to things being done that are actually against the mandate of the NSA:

The National Security Agency (NSA) is an intelligence organization of the United States government, responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes


Comment Re: Disgusting. (Score 2) 686

Can you show me anywhere where it was said that the NSA was recording phone calls, reading mail (even email) or any other kind of surveillance on US citizens (except the metadata program, which was already ended by the time of the revelation according to the gov).

Every program I have seen exposed by Snowden was foreign surveillance, which is kind of sort of what we ask the NSA to do...

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