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Comment The actual problem (Score 1) 40

We flare because releasing natgas as it is not only produces a much greater greenhouse effect than CO2 from burning it, but because it's pretty toxic compared to CO2 and water vapor + tiny amount of impurities that come out.

Problem is that gas is often byproduct of oil extraction, and very difficult to transport since it's a gas and disperses, unlike oil that is a liquid and can be stored in a simple container.

So there have been attempts, some successful to capture the natgas and pipe it. Problem being that a lot of extraction points are really far away, and it's really expensive to build pipeline infrastructure (but really cheap to maintain it once its built). So capture isn't the problem. Transportation is.

And on top of that, the same Green activists that demand capture and transport also actively work to deny funds to build any of this infrastructure, and openly state that they will demand shut down of all of this long before it can pay for itself because "green transition and net zero must be made inevitable".

Comment Re:Legislation... (Score 1) 224

>Grandparents or siblings or other family members, are irrelevant to this discussion.

Tell me you're far left and fully absorbed its arguments for abolishing the family, without telling me you're far left and fully absorbed its arguments for abolishing the family.

And you have the balls to tell me that it is I who knows nothing about the subject of raising children. The irony.

Comment Re:Legislation... (Score 1) 224

Ah, you're talking about Malthusian conspiracy theory of people hitting the food production limits so popular in academic circles. In reality, current estimated carrying capacity is realistically around 24 billion or so, and it's increasing by a couple of percentage points every year due to ice age recovery and AGW. Granted it's also bursty in real life, like when we hit the limits on being able to farm in Sahel, at which point a large percentage of Africa suddenly became far more agriculturally productive and self sufficient in staple foods.

Our population crash is nearly global at the same time, and all of the most agriculturally productive regions are the ones crashing. And ag needs people to function. If we hit the limit, it's going to be because of the population crash across the temperate belt which is by far the most agriculturally productive region on the planet, and one that benefits the most from ice age recovery and AGW.

Comment Re:Legislation... (Score 1) 224

I must admit I'm enjoying watching totalizing morality absolutely break your mind's attempt to make your world view and your basic biological impulses cohere in some way, any way. You're now down to straight up demanding an answer if I have children or not, because you need to know if you can just dismiss me outright for not having them. You're also believing that I'm arguing for or against "solutions that would save lives of small children".

No. I'm arguing against your world view that totalizes morality at societal level and removes it from personal level. This is why your mind can't grasp the argument. If you did, it would crash your world view. Because your basic biology demands that you be personally responsible for your children, while your morality demands that all this responsibility must be moved to societal level to be a good person. It's an irreconcilable conflict, and why a lot of people cease being far leftists when they get children. And while far leftists that don't do that, break their children minds in turn. Just look up the mental illness in relationship to adopted ideology. Far left thinking model isn't insanity on its own, but it renders a very large minority insane. Because it's not reconcilable with reality during moments like these. And so you dive into the most insane projections about other people to avoid internal mental conflict.

Comment Re:And nothing will happen (Score 1) 167

So if you were the assassin, you would have chosen a low likelyhood method in this situation, with full understanding if the high likelihood scenario of target surviving just fine next attempt will look far more suspicious?

Who's so nice of an assassin employer to hire this level of incompetence? This is the realm where even CIA will probably reconsider. On the other hand, CIA has been on a DEI recruitment drive, so Didn't Earn It crowd might actually cook up something this stupid. And get hilariously lucky.


Comment Re:Legislation... (Score 1) 224

The funniest part is that you and your ilk keep telling on yourself without ever realising it. And since your religion is about strict thought control and totalizing morality at societal level, you all have exact same carbon copy arguments.

Look around this exact thread. You'll find so many carbon copies of yourself, all making the exact same error because of your totalized far left morality and how it breaks your cognitive systems on this topic in this exact same way. Making you utterly incapable of understanding the argument made, and instead projecting utterly insane claims upon me instead to maintain mental balance.

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