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Comment Gah. (Score 4, Informative) 175

the printer’s fuser – which is designed to dry the ink once it’s applied to paper

Stupid submitter makes my head hurt.

There is no ink in laser printers. There is toner, a bone-dry powder that is fused to the paper by the fuser, generally a very warm cylinder.

Ink-jet printers use ink, but those droplets are so small they dry into the paper without having to be heated.

Facts, use them.

Comment Re:This is not unique. (Score 1) 622

I think you're mixing copyright, patents and trademarks. They are actually quite different in scope, subject matter and duration so please try to keep them apart. From your description, I'd guess that your story concerned a trademark. The USPTO can very well deny a trademark application for a name that can be mistaken for a name already registered in a different, but similar, category. Or grant it, as you say it's a bit of a crapshoot.

One real-world example: Apple Records could not keep Apple Computer from trademarking their name until Apple Computer went into the music business with iTunes. It's still not the same category (record company/recording vs music distribution/sales) but close enough to possibly cause confusion and a court date.

Comment Re:It's obvious U R A troll, gmhowell (U said it) (Score 1) 21

This quote from you says it all about you though, scumbag:

"I do whatever amuses me at the moment. Sometimes that is trolling. As far as AC? I only do that to avoid undoing moderations." - by gmhowell (26755) on Wednesday April 20, @12:49AM (#35877174) Homepage

Your own words prove to us that you're online trash gmhowell, you scumbag troll.

After running the above through a logic analyzer, this is what remains:

"I'm a scumbag troll, posting AC to avoid undoing moderations, then I project my feeble mind unto others to feel superior because it floats my little boat. /APK"

Interesting. How does that make you feel?

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