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It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal tomhudson's Journal: Trolling 4 Tomatoes 14

Some people still insist that the tomato is not a fruit.

Since I need to retrain my eyesight by working with blocks of text for long periods of time, what better excuse for a bit of constructive and educational trolling?

Short snippet of the retarded arguments trying to justify it:

After all, if one are not arguing from precedent, one is simply pulling facts out of one's ass.

So, Copernicus, Galileo, Harvey, Einstein, Fleming, Mendel, Darwin, etc., were pulling facts out of their rectums? Wow!

You're not, by chance, a member of the Tea Party or some other fact-free zone, are you?

Does it go well in a salad? Then it's probably a vegetable.

So, olives, macaroni, shrimp, octopus, crab, cucumbers, bacon bits, chicken breast chunks, cheese chunks, grapes, orange and apple slices, tuna fish, turkey, pineapple, salmon, salt, sausage slices, strawberries, cream cheese, croutons, and tomatoes are all vegetables? Only the worlds worst "chefs" would actually believe that.

Please, stop pulling "factoids" out of your hemorrhoids, and leave the kitchen to those who know what they're doing.

There's more ... let's see how long I can keep this one on the hook.

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Trolling 4 Tomatoes

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  • Aubergine and Zucchini.

  • Biologically (botanically) the Tomato is unquestionably a fruit.

    However, in the culinary world, the Tomato is considered a vegetable.
    The United States Supreme Court [] even weighed in on the matter, and a Tomato was decided to be a vegetable.

    So insisting on one or the other is a logical failure, as whether a tomato is a fruit or vegetable depends on the context it is used in. But since you're trolling, carry on.
    • The court ruled that it was ONLY to be considered a tomato for tax purposes, and that it was still a fruit for all other purposes.
      • Yes, because in the culinary world, a tomato is a Vegetable.

        Consider the V8 beverage - it's mostly Tomato juice, yet marketed as a Vegetable Drink.

        Botanically there's no question it's a fruit - just like other "vegetables" - cucumbers, Eggplant, Bell Peppers, Jalapeños, etc.

        The fact that the dork you're trolling is so worked up about it is what is really amusing.
  • I'm trolling tomatoes with you, too. I'm on the side of tomatoes being a fruit; since I care more about science than posh restaurants or the US FDA.

  • Tomatoes, the other red meat.

Statistics are no substitute for judgement. -- Henry Clay
