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Comment Re:Unlimited personal liability? Insanity (Score 4, Insightful) 348

Stockholders do not manage the company. They vote for the board of directors, which manages the rest. Only in special circumstances, like an offer to privatize the company, do the votes have any direct effect.

Then they aren't held accountable for what they told the company to do.

Should citizen voters be liable for prison time if they elect a senator who turns out to be corrupt?

Comment Re:Its Easy (Score 1) 384

Ah, so it is; looks like I won't be putting my /. profile and excellent karma on my resume after all.... I got so caught up getting my <s and my >s right on the first try that I completely forgot that it wasn't the same as a regular closing tag. I've also decided to learn HTML past the XHTML that I picked up long ago. To anyone who was looking at my post for insight into the inner workings of web technologies: please forgive me -- I have failed you.

Comment Re:Its Easy (Score 1) 384

Yeah, I realized that after I hit submit. I wrote the first scenario after the second, then realized that `contractor' would be ambiguous and changed it to `carpenter' without thinking about it. It was wrong.

I am sorry.

Also, I was forced to use non-compliant markup (<br> rather than </br>) because SlashCode is shit, I forgot to use `TeX Quotes', and I left out an example of a shitty contractor that I had been planning on including.

I apologize for this as well.

Comment Re:Its Easy (Score 1) 384

I'm not saying to write unfair contracts, just one that says "contractor will work with the client to implement X in exchange for Y$ per hour". Then, when they hire a consultant that gives them a 5000 page report detailing why they'll get 1000% better performance if they prefix all their classes with the client companies name, don't argue with them; just do it. If you were a carpenter and the homeowners changed their minds from White #001042051 to White #001042052, you wouldn't argue back that the difference is physically imperceivable to the human eye, you'd add a molecule of black to ten gallons of white and charge for it.

I'm not arguing that you should be out to do a shitty job and suck money from customers, just that if they want to piss money away, let them piss some on you.

Submission + - Candy Crush Makers Establishes themselves as Trademark Troll 1

An anonymous reader writes: A full four months before popular mobile game Candy Crush was released, an almost identical game, Candy Swipe was published. Runsome Apps, the publishers of Candy Swipe, also got a trademark on the the word "Candy" for use in games, and opposed the trademark application of Candy Crush. To get around this, Royal Games, formerly King and publisher of Candy Crush, from an older company whose game bears no resemblance to either of the games in question. Today, Runsome Apps has given up the fight.

Submission + - MPAA Head Chris Dodd: I'm Willing To Discuss Copyright Reform As Long As Nothing (techdirt.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Chris Dodd, head of the MPAA, has decided that, 16 years after the Napsterpocalypse (which singlehandedly killed the recording and motion picture industries, both of which are now nothing but vague memories for pre-Gen Xers), it's time to meet the tech industry in the middle and start working together.

But, as is Dodd's way, "in the middle" means drawing a line inches away from the MPAA's position and "working together" means making heavy concessions to the incumbent industries.

Comment Re:And in other news... (Score 2, Insightful) 625

The boomers are a pretty good place. They are an incredibly selfish, entitled, and overall shitty generation that grew up with unprecedented prosperity provided by their parents and decided that that was somehow their own work. The US will not advance until these people have died off, or at least gotten so senile that they stop voting.

Comment Re:Your point of view means nothing. (Score 1) 665

Well, since we're teaching the controversy, why not? If we want to be serious about this, we should also teach the controversy of communism vs. capitalism in economics, teach the upsides of gay sex over straight sex in sex ed, and do a compare and contrast between Islam and Christianity in Social Studies with equal supportive evidence for both.

But wait, this is just a way to push Christianity and whatever the fuck the ignorant, retarded religious people chose to interpret it as to children on the public dime. It is has nothing to do with "teaching the controversy". It'll never happen.

Submission + - Dice Holdings has written off Slashdot Media at the close of 2013 (prnewswire.com) 3

moogla writes: Apparently Dice.com could not make Slashdot work they way they wanted to; with a murky plan to tap into the Slashdot-reader community to somehow drive attention or insight into other Dice Holdings properities, they've burned through

$7.2 million of intangible assets and $6.3 million of goodwill related to Slashdot Media

and have only started to realize some improvement on related sites. With ad revenue declining and not expected to pick up (read: everyone who uses Slashdot uses adblocking softwarwe), it appears that the Slashdot stewardship experiment by Dice Holdings has been a financial failure. Since the site has been redesigned in a user-hostile fashion with a very generic styling, this reader surmises Dice Holdings is looking to transform or transfer the brand into a generic Web 3.0 technology property. The name may be more valuable than the user community (since we drive no revenue nor particularly use Dice.com's services).

Submission + - ReactOS 0.3.16 has been released (reactos.org) 1

jeditobe writes: The ReactOS Project is pleased to announce the release of version 0.3.16. A little under a year has passed since the previous release and a significant amount of progress has been made. Some of the most significant include completion of the CSRSS rewrite and the first stages of a shell32 rewrite. 0.3.16 is in many ways a prelude to several new features that will provide a noticeable enhancement to user visible functionality. A preview can be seen in the form of theme support, which while disabled by default can be turned on to demonstrate the Lautus theme developed by community member Maciej Janiszewki. Another user visible change is a new network card driver for the RTL8139, allowing ReactOS to support newer versions of QEMU out of the box. Release images can be found in the usual spot here.

And for those of you that have not heard of it yet, the project is running a Kickstarter campaign in the form of the Thorium Cloud Desktop. If you want to help the project raise the funds to hire multiple full time developers and bring ReactOS to a state where it can be used for day to day activities, then please spread the word and put up a few bucks to back us.

Submission + - What site would you recommend to replace Slashdot? 1

koreanbabykilla writes: Now that it looks like I'm no longer going to be able to use Slashdot due to beta.slashdot.org, I need somewhere to kill a few hours a day at work. Any suggestions?

Submission + - Kim Jong Un, Ghost of Hitler, Announce Approval of Slashdot Beta

An anonymous reader writes: The Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the ghost of the former leader of National Socialist German Workers' Party have approved of the new Slashdot Beta site in a rare instance of agreement amongst the two. The two strong personalities have a history strong disagreement of the most mundane of things but united today outside the Great Pyongyang Unicorn Lair with Slashdot Editor Samzenpus to show support. "Morale at Dice [Slashdot's parent company] is at an all time low, but the show of support from such great world leaders is an encouragement to the entire team", said Samzenpus.

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