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Comment Re:Yep it is a scam (Score 1) 667

But with global warming you don't necessarily get warmer weather. That's because "warming" is a misnomer. What's actually going on is the total amount of kinetic energy in the atmosphere is going up.

By definition, doesn't that mean it's actually not a misnomer? I mean, I know what you're saying, and I agree with you... but 'the global climate' is going to get warmer. There will be more thermal energy. So can't we find a word better than misnomer that means "technically true jargon that conflicts with the popular usage/misunderstanding of the term"?

Honest question. I think we need a word for that, and it bothers me that I can't think of one.

Comment Re:lemme guess (Score 1) 158

There are some cloud rendering solutions out there, but most studios have their own render farms in-house... and a lot of the companies you think are studios are mainly just production companies that outsource most of the heavy lifting to specialized shops (who work on multiple projects simultaneously and have no problem keeping a render farm busy).

Comment Re:And how many were terrorists? Oh, right, zero. (Score 1) 276


But pressurizing and then shooting holes in the walls and windows is simple enough to test, pressure drop/time shows everything you need to know.

Then they would blow it up for boredom's sake as teaching science to idiots is dull and repetitive.

I didn't watch the episode (or think explosion from depressurization is the primary concern of bullets on airplanes), but... just tell me Myth Busters actually took a plane to altitude and did this? Because I don't think testing at ground level, not moving, in much hotter air, is valid. And from the comments here, that is the impression I am getting of their test.

Personally, I'm much more worried that stray bullets will take out electrical systems, hydraulics/control surfaces, lead to fires, or somehow damage bleed air systems. And any of these can set the conditions for a crew to react inappropriately.

Comment Re:Who will get (Score 1) 360

It is refreshing to know some people understand the situation there and understand the use of American troops as tripwires.

That said, I think it's important to make the distinction that American bases in ROK are more than just a tripwire. "Speed bump" means that they are supposed to slow the enemy advance to buy time for other assets to be put to use. They also have the tertiary purpose of maintaining the vast supplies needed to fight that war.

Comment Re:Creators wishing to control their creations... (Score 1) 268

And I honestly don't think Microsoft are trying to control what you do with their software... All the licensing stuff is about proving you actually did buy it...That said, as a 20+ year user of their products I've had to call for a license activation precisely once and it took maybe 60 seconds. I can live with that.

Then it's fairly safe to assume that you have been using Microsoft software the way they want you to: only reinstalling a couple times (at most) per device, or purchasing systems that include Microsoft's software.

You are almost certainly not doing any of the following:
- reinstalling Windows daily for fun
- regularly moving Windows installs between machines
- renting workstations that include Windows, but must be wiped and reimaged every every rental
- deploying and destroying large quantities of 2012 R2 servers in dev environments

I am not a Windows admin, so I could be ignorant on some solutions to the above, but MS makes all of these scenarios very difficult for paying customers.

Comment Re:Yes, but the real problem is being ignored. (Score 1) 461

Assuming that a stripper will engage in drug use or prostitution is a violation of one of the fundamental principles of American law, "Innocent until proven guilty." And don't give me any bullshit about "It's only a correlation, we're not actually assuming they'll misbehave", because the state assumes misbehavior. If the state actually takes any action based on the simple act of being a stripper, it will quickly become harassment.

It's none of the state's damn business. any more than sugary carbonated beverages or nose-picking.

Isn't that a bit like saying placing a meter in a taxi violates "innocent until proven guilty"?

It is a screening or preventive measure, not an assumption of guilt.

That said, I think this one is stupid. Even if the goal is just to stop underage girls from stripping.

Comment Re:DebianNoob (Score 2) 450

open source doesn't as much need phb's as much as it attracts them.

can't code, want to contribute? become a phb! if someone calls you out on it when you try to make some decision or another so that you can have your name on some decision or another, just call them toxic and quote some club rule!

Is that really what has been happening?

I have never worked with a large open source project (beyond bug reports), but I always suspected they had a real need for project managers, technical writers/documenters, and various other support personnel.

Comment Re:OK.. (Score 1) 185

Doesn't matter: Based on the summary this isn't new information. If the story matches the summary, then it beats me why anyone would bother to mention it.

Well, given all that, do you think it's more likely that: a) the submitter oversimplified their summary or b) an article in Science both has the intellectual value of "derp" and was accurately summarized on Slashdot?

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