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Comment Re:Heading off all the E haters (Score 2) 140

If Enlightenment has a problem, it is that to use it to it's full potential - which is vast - one must endure one of the, if not the, steepest learning curves of any DE out there.

In other words then, it will never get used. At least, not in it's current state. A new WM either needs:
-to be similar enough to a well established one that people can at least get going with it immediately
-be intuitive enough so that, even if unfamiliar, people can very quickly get up and running

From your description, not only do you have to be a power user to make it work, you have to spend a lot of precious time just trying to get familiar with it and configuring it. Which all but a very very slim minority of people will be willing to do.

Personally, I remember trying E17 (or was it E16? I forget now...) and thought even then that it was slick as greased lightning, but that was a long time ago when I had way more free time on my hands. Now? Forget it.

I look forward to when they've reached the point where they provide a good OOBE.

Comment Re:Next they'll give internet explorer free (Score 1) 208

You're ignoring one critical detail. In the mobile world, you have a choice. Don't like what Apple does? Buy a Samsung. Or a Blackberry. Or one of those Ubuntu phones. Apple doesn't have a stranglehold on the market. Android is now what, 3-1 for every Apple device?

Microsoft on the other hand, utterly dominates the PC landscape, and continues to this day. That means if you don't like what Microsoft is doing, tough noogies because it's very unlikely that you can switch to something else. So they've been pulling all sorts of bullshit on people for no other reason than they know they can do whatever they want and you can't do anything about it.

Apple has a history of being control-freaks to the point of absurdity. This isn't new, and they've never tried to hide that fact. This has been their MO since forever, and they even almost went bankrupt as a result.

Microsoft on the other hand, has done so many heinous things that I can't even remember them all anymore. A couple off the top of my head:
-Subverting an entire standards body just so they could get OOXML to be an 'accepted standard'
-Forcing computer stores to sell *only* Microsoft gear, by refusing to give them product if said store tried to sell competing products

The slightest bit of effort will land you a breathtaking amount of underhandedness they performed in order to get a complete and unshakable stranglehold on the PC market.

Comment Do nothing? (Score 1) 747

Can't we just let the diseases spread as widely as possible? That way the problem will sort itself out....

Too bad it is unethical to deny medical treatment to people who refused to get vaccinated.

Comment Re:Professional Email Address (Score 1) 149

The effort required to set up an appropriate hosting account is still orders of magnitude more work than filling out a 5 line form.

The point is that it demonstrates a bare minimum of technical competency, whether that is innate technical knowledge, or just being able to research a problem and following instructions. It's an unspoken interview question before anyone has even looked at your resume.

Again, if your primary job is a window cleaner, or a plumber, or anything else non-technical, then it doesn't matter so much as long as your email address isn't "yourpornstagename@gmail.com" as someone else pointed out.

But if you are in some kind of techncal role, and the best you can do is gmail address, it demonstrates that you are either not as skilled as you claim to be, or you simply don't care enough to eat your own dog food. Either way, I *will* hold that as a point against you, because the last thing I will do is choose to willingly work with anyone that has either of those qualities.

Comment Re:First blacks, (Score 1) 917

YES, it is, and it's extremely offensive that you disagree.

If there are Federal benefits or whatnot that apply to only married people, then the Federal gov't needs to have a clear policy on what is and isn't considered a legally binding marriage. If your access to Federal benefits depends on whether or not you grew up in some bass-ackward hick state, then that is discriminatory.

If you have an issue with the federal government stomping on the toes of state government, that's one thing. To claim that argument as an excuse to deny privileges to a specific group of people is descrimination, period. It doesn't matter how you justify it to yourself. It doesn't matter what excuses you use.

At the end of the day, you are getting something and denying that same something from someone else. That's discrimination. This is not debatable.

If you want the feds to get out of your way, then fight to remove the benefits YOU enjoy first. THEN maybe you'll have a moral leg to stand on when you try to deny those same benfits from someone else.

Comment Re:Professional Email Address (Score 2) 149

If the email is for personal use, then no, it really doesn't matter.

If you're trying to sell yourself as a professional, then using a free email service *does* come across as unprofessional. Why? Because you can whip off a free email address in 5 minutes with no effort. You don't need to have put any thought into it beforehand, and you look like a potential fly-by-night service.

By simple virtue of the fact that someone has their own domain names, instantly says that they are at least trying for the long haul. Or at least, there's a significantly greater chance that they are.

Generally speaking, the harder it is to set something up speaks to how seriously a person takes said something.

Comment Re:Um... (Score 2) 239

I've never liked that concept. Especially in situations like this where the person/organization causing the problem is doing everything they possibly can EXCEPT admit stupidity and just correct the error.

When you do everything you can to hold your ground even when you're in the wrong, then you are malicious.

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