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Comment Re:Every time there is a better weapon... (Score 1) 91

Extending on your line of thought, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was morally justified because the collateral deaths of the innocents in those cities caused the Japanese to surrender to the Allies, thus ending the war and limiting further casualties. My grandfather supported those bombings using the same line of thinking. I'm not so sure it was, though.

The Japanese were training school children and the elderly to go down and defend possible landing beaches with spears. The Japanese military tried to stage a coup to depose the Emperor and any in the pro-peace faction before the bombs. The Japanese military elite was willing to watch the whole country burn and every last Japanese citizen killed all so they wouldn't have the shame of having to surrender. They were necessary.

Comment Re:Human In The Loop Abort (Score 2) 91

(It's also the only weapon system I ever worked on, and it caused me great conflict. Though the intended use had merit, the possible unintended uses made me very uncomfortable. No, I can't be more specific.)

Shouldn't every weapon have a moral conflict inherent in it's use? Whether it is wondering for a fraction of a second if you should pull the trigger of a rifle(am I aiming at a target or a civilian), or deliberating for a week on whether or not to launch a strike on a compound (good intel, collateral damage, etc), there should always be a period of reflection and wondering if the weapon needs to be employed. The act of taking a life is not a decision to be taken lightly, and if when killing becomes second nature or even enjoyable you run the risk of having a very severe problem.

Comment Re:Jesus. (Score 1) 629

Glad they didnt do stuff like this 15 years ago. I remember back in high school using Word to access the locked out C: drive of computers and me and my friends would save SNES emulators there and play SNES games during class. We were in a Magnet program so they probably wouldn't have done much to us if caught, but if we had done that now and gotten caught we would all probably have been arrested.

Comment Re:Seems legit (Score 1) 126

"Unbiased" and "Honest" are capitalized. That's cruise control for credible.

You can't explain that.

Maybe they have 2 internal classifications or titles of reviews: one called "Unbiased" and another called "Honest"-hence the capitalizations. Then they are not technically not misleading in their advertisements.

Comment Re:3D printed guns are no different to any other g (Score 1) 245

Few home workshops, and few home gun smiths, can make a reliable extended magazine or rile action from scratch, they'd require extensive training in precision machining. But now people like Cody Wilson are publishing designs to make exactly such mechanisms for AR-15 equivalent assault rifles

You can mail order 80% finished lower receivers for AR-15s. To finish them is not very difficult, little more than "punch holes here" and "shave off this much metal here". This is the "firearm" portion of the gun. The rest of the gun (trigger mechanism, upper receiver, furniture) are all legally mail order as well with no background check.

Comment Re:Saddam (Score 1) 71

This is the shit that Saddam Hussein was stamping down.

The Middle East has never been at peace and never will. I wish we'd stop meddling and let them solve their own problems their own way and if we don't like it, well tough shit.

The problem is there is such a history of animosity (and long memories) in the Middle East that the only way a group can maintain peace in a state is by brutally clamping down on other religious/ethnic groups. So, when the ruling group is removed from power (by force/election/death of monarch or dictator/etc) and another group gains power, they are thinking "hell yeah, it's our turn, time to get even!". Unfortunately this cycle won't stop until they get sick of the bloodshed and try to work together. But "peace" bought through oppression like Saddam or Assad or Gaddhafi is only a temporary stopgap pushing the problems down the road, and the peace of a dictator is worse than open conflict because it just increases the pressure even more, so when things blow up they blow up bigger.

Comment Re:Too bad it did not happen on Osama Bin Laden (Score 4, Insightful) 250

Ya'all do realize that the death "penalty" is actually letting the perpetrator get away with the crime, right?

Death isn't a penalty. It is the fate that every newly-minted, mewling, puking baby gets meted out to him or her as a consequence of being conceived. If it's a penalty, then why do so many seemingly loving, beaming parents sentence their own children to that fate by having them in the first place?

The penalty isn't the death, it's the forfeiture of what was going to be the rest of your life. Even in prison you would experience some moments of levity, joy, and peace, as well as many other experiences. The punishment is denying you these experiences, determining your actions have made you unfit not just for society(prison=removal from society), but of life itself. Life is the last thing a person has, the only thing that once gone can never be gotten back, and taking it away early is the ultimate punishment.

Comment Re:Keep the foreigners at bay! (Score 1) 442

OMG competing for resources and needing to be useful at a competitive rate, the shock, the horror. Think you can do better? think you deserve more money? prove it by doing better and getting paid more...or keep blaming greedy corporations and "foreigners stealing jobs".

So Americans should forego having families (or at least not have them live with them, they can live somewhere really cheap and just send money they make back home), live 5 people to an apartment, and work unpaid overtime just so they can get a job at a ridiculously low wage so a company can bump up profits? Because that is about the only way a lot of these H-1B positions would actually be affordable for the average American worker. That "competitive rate" is fixed worse than an election in Chicago. Why don't we just go full on Foxconn and have employees live in company-provided, barracks-style dorms. No commutes would mean more hours for work, and not needing to pay rent means we can pay the workers even less! Now American workers are cheaper than H-1Bs again! who cares about standard of living or quality of life as long as we have cheap workers!

Comment Re:Race to the bottom much? (Score 2) 460

Just put two reasonably competent people in the cockpit at all times and stop trying to f**k an extra penny out of every dime, you cheap chiselling b*st*rds.

Right now many feeder airlines are barely paying a living wage for their junior cockpit staff, so stop pretending that the personnel costs are going to put you out of business. You're certainly not passing along the recent fuel cost savings to us sardines.

Pretty much any pilot working for a regional airline is a brand new pilot fresh out of flight school. That's with essentially no experience, just their ratings. A little Googling shows that after their first year, an FO at expressjet makes over 30k a year at almost $35 an hour at a 75 hour per month guarantee. To put that in perspective, the ground crew at my airline have to work for 4.5 years before they make that much. Many pilots live in crash pads that cost them $200-400 a month, utilities included. assuming they are a decent pilot, within 10 years they generally have enough hours and experience to apply for a major airline. Any pilot who come through the military has a pretty good shot at going straight to a major or cargo airline as opposed to a regional one. At the major airline I work for, currently the most junior FO on the lowest seniority A/C type makes $133 per hour, and are guaranteed at least 65 hours of pay per month. That is over $8600 a month. There are plenty of jobs that pay a lot less than what a brand new, zero experience pilot makes. Worst case, if they take 10 years to get to a major airline they are making over $60k at the regional then over $100k at the major. Until then, low-mid 30s and up (for only 2-3 years experience) is not exactly what many people would call a "barely living wage"(I was able to do just fine with much less than that), and it's certainly still better than the wage most of the people loading the planes, or even working security for the planes, are making.

Comment Re:Maybe because the movies were not that good? (Score 1) 360

Casting Harrison Ford is like casting Sean Connery, you cast him because you want the character to be like that guy rather than the other way around.

Sean Connery was cast in The Longest Day as essentially comic relief. He was paired with another guy and they had 2 or 3 short back and forth one liner conversations. Of course, this was pre-James Bond

Comment Re:A final admission of defeat? (Score 1) 334

Considering Republicans fought him at every turn - what did you expect.

So those 2 years where he had a Democratic majority on Congress and refused to try and pass anything never happened? He could have passed Obamacare or his immigration reforms then, but he didn't because he was more worried about protecting fellow Democrats coming up for election.

Comment Re:Most transparent Admn ever.... (Score 2) 334

Working with people = compromise. The government has too many people that refuse to give the other side absolutely anything because they think it makes themselves appear weak or not a true Republican/Democrat

Fixed that for you. Refusing to budge on any point isn't compromise, and holding the daily operation of the government and the financial stability of the economy hostage isn't negotiation-it's just plain old blackmail.

Comment Re:Transparency in Government is good! (Score 1) 334

The question is, did you learn your lesson? Will you stop supporting the one party Republocrat system next election?

I voted for the Libertarian candidate last presidential election. Lot of good that did. I think he won maybe 13% of my county, and 1% of my state? The time where parties could just pop up or split off established parties and win passed a good century ago, and the "us vs them" mentality has been so cultured over the past 2 decades that no mainstream politician dares stray too far from the party line lest their career come to an abrupt end because their voter base will turn on them.

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