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Comment Re:Disappointed in supercomputer theory (Score 1) 229

Well, there's still the theory that the Vatican is operating an encrypted satellite system that they used to flip Trump votes to Biden.

And the qcumbers have the signed Italian police affidavit (written in plain English of course) to prove it!

Comment Re:That's BS (Score 2) 113

It's probably partly just disinfo to get adversaries like Russia or China to waste some resources looking into technology that the government feels to be either impractical or impossible. Even if they just dedicate a few scientists and a few million dollars into a couple dead end experiments that's still better than having them work on projects with actual military value.

Comment Re: The "far" right (Score 1) 214

No, the FBI did when they haven't done any kind of investigation into a laptop that cannot be tied to Hunter Biden, has no chain of custody, and supposedly includes material that had been floating around Ukraine for a year. There's better evidence for crop circles being legit than Hunter's laptop.

Comment Re:Shocking! (Score 1) 42

If you get hired for a job and your employer gives you a salary. Do you say to them, no I want less, because I love this company so much that I want to be sure my salary will not bring this company down.

There are actually examples of that happening in the real world. For instance, it's not uncommon for star athletes to take pay cuts or not ask for as much money as they could, in order for their team to go out and sign/resign another player that improves their chances of winning. You see this in sports that instituted team salary caps so that there is a ceiling on how much a team can spend on players.

Comment Re:Doesn't seem hard to believe to me (Score 3, Interesting) 64

Normally I would be the first person to cast skepticism on anything North Korea said.

But in this case, doesn't it seem pretty reasonable to say they have no cases? They had extremely limited travel from other countries before Covid starting spreading, and internally people do not travel that much within the country. Combine that with a real doctor level of control over people wearing protective equipment at all times, and I could easily see whatever small number of cases they would have had, would have been contained long ago and then there simply was no interaction with other countries to bring the virus back in.

Basically, they were already extremely isolated from the world before, and that has protected them in this instance.

They do/did have a decent amount of travel to China though, so that could quite likely be a quick transmission vector. With the overbuilding of Pyongyang and other cities crowding isn't really an issue there, but with the almost medieval level of civilization out in the rural villages if the virus took hold there things would not be good. And of course if the virus got into their reeducation camps it would be a decimation (in the literal sense).

Also not hard to figure out which people those 700 are that are getting tested weekly.

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