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Submission + - Ebay's Ready to be Serious with Online Shopping (

opedtech writes: "eBay is looking for a makeover, and it comes with a phasing out of their aging Auction system in favor of more modern "marketplace" options akin to Amazon and Alibaba. eBay is taking a huge leap of faith in its user base. The only question is if they will sink or float"

Comment Re:Are you sure you won't be in danger? (Score 1) 455

Bring up all the documentation from foreign press showing the guy's a charlatan and a swindler. Heck, try and find a friendly, competent local journalist to take up your story. I can see it now (fair warning: former journalist, my naughts were interesting when I wasn't in the depths of suicidal depression):

FOX News Version: Islamic Leader Rips Off Scotsman
MSNBC Version: Fake Muslim Leader Harasses Hard-Working Immigrant

If the journalist does it right, they can get everyone on board (offensive language ahead - complaints department will be open from 2348 to 2349 on 30 Feb 2013, please leave comments then): the surface layer ignorant Joe Schmoes who just see some towelhead trying to do some kind of wrong; people with more than five functioning brain cells will see a cult leader that's trying to smear your name, and for extra bonus points, if you're really lucky, followers of the Prophet will be pissed that someone who has the audacity to claim to be one of them (a) has their religion so wrong; (b) has done so many disgraceful, disturbing, and disgusting things in the past; and (c) is being such an asshat to someone yadda yadda yadda.

When it comes to keeping your eye out for other cultists... hell. there was that theft from the Scientology center that went unsolved all those years ago and --

Comment Re:file copyright with US Copyright Office (Score 1) 455 $35 to file online. Seriously - you show up with that certificate in hand, especially in the context of potential court issues, it's worth it. Takes maybe three weeks to get the certificate if everything's done right the first time, and if not, they are willing to help you. Just filed for my group's first formal copyright docs a few weeks ago, got an email from the copyright office with a few questions, took care of the problems, received the certificate, and framed it.

And hopefully will never have to do anything else.

Worth. Every. Penny.

Comment Re:That's the way the cookie crumbles (Score 1) 455

For what it's worth.. I say fight on.

I'm not a lawyer, I rarely play one online anymore (stupid wikipedia destroying my client base) so this shouldn't be taken as legal advice. This is how I, a vindictive evil bastard who really would like people who do bad bad things be whacked upside the head hard, would like things to play out in an ideal world.

Let's start with venue: You're in the US, Google's in the US, US courts are probably the right place to pursue action. Doesn't matter if the other person is in another place, they played with YouTube, which, if I read my ToS correctly, says that problems eventually end up in a Palo Alto courtroom. Oh, wait, they do: Actual quote from their TOS: Section 14, General: You agree that: (i) the Service shall be deemed solely based in California; and (ii) the Service shall be deemed a passive website that does not give rise to personal jurisdiction over YouTube, either specific or general, in jurisdictions other than California.

Go in small claims first: they don't show up, you win by default, Google takes them down.

Now, since they've also made a perjury declaration, you can also then have criminal charges brought because perjury is a *crime*, punishable by fines and jail time. Part of the evidence? If they had a case to make, they'd have showed up to the civil case to defend themselves. Now, with a criminal conviction - a felony, by the way - there are a fair few countries that will extradite someone who's been convicted of such a crime... one reason being that contempt for one country's legal system kinda points to a potential for contempt for any country's legal system.

Nice little circle of life. And in the afterlife where you're partying hard (or, as the other person will describe your endless choices of debauchery and metasensory overload, "hell"), you can laugh even harder.

Comment Re:There is no American Public School System (Score 1) 659

I know. I didn't run into any serious challenges until college. Hell, I never took notes, never did homework, never used a calculator, and still scored A-'s in all my classes, a 750 math on my SATs and a 35 math, 32 composite on my ACTs.

And I too was in the 'advanced' or 'honors' classes.. yet they still wanted me to operate by the old standard procedures.

I ran into only one professor that basically worked well with my modus operandi. Ironically for a numbers nerd, it was in a series of history classes. Prof said that our grades were based entirely on three papers to be submitted on three specific dates on three topics specified in the syllabus. Either you went to the class and took notes, and submitted papers which were related to the topic, or you didn't. He never took attendance, never made assumptions, liked when you would submit a cogent paper which disagreed with his premises, and really liked it when you did the research. As in, went to nearly a dozen libraries, searched for first degree sources, properly cited, etc.

That was a great class. And he was the first prof outside of comp sci cool with me using my laptop for notes. (And I did it with an emacs terminal.

Comment Re:There is no American Public School System (Score 1) 659

Generally, though, without adequate access of resources by the parents (read: money or mobility), a kid's stuck in the schools local to him or her. In Illinois, my pied a terre for example, if you're in a poor district and want to send your kid to a richer district, you either have to move there or pay the equivalent tuition. (The latter option is rarely engaged.)

And if you're in that situtation, you may as well send the kid to a parochial or private school.

Personally, I would suggest a solution similar to one proposed by Dan Savage for other kids that want to opt-out of high school: get a GED, get into at the least a community college, and be done with HS if there's no option for a good high school. Hell of a lot cheaper, and yeah, it means not dealing with the wankers in high school but it also means that there's more challenge that the kid can handle. And at a younger age, when he will feel like he can hack it. .. Or move to another country that gives an active damn about education. Canada, let's say.

Comment Re:Understatement (Score 1) 403

In my case, the speed is nice, but it's the specific application that defined where it went.

I have a laptop being used as a desktop replacement. In previous attempts to do so, the HD eventually overheated and burned out. Sometimes the laptop fell down, jammed the drive. (What can I say - I'm a klutz.)

Not going to happen with an SSD.

Portables (Apple)

Top Apple Rumors, Bricks, Low Price, NVIDIA 283

Vigile writes "With the news that Apple will be releasing new MacBook products on October 14th, speculation has begun on what exactly those new products will be. Tips of a manufacturing process involving lasers and a single 'brick' of aluminum are catching on, as is the idea of a sub-$1000 netbook-type device. More interesting might be the persistent rumors of an NVIDIA chipset adoption that would drastically increase gaming ability, allow MacBooks to improve their support for OpenCL and take advantage of the new Adobe CS4 software with GPU acceleration. Will NVIDIA's ailing chipset business get a shot in the arm next week?"
The Courts

Judge Tosses Telco Suit Over City-Owned Network 281

tsa sends along news of the city of Monticello, Minnesota, which was sued by their local telco, Bridgewater Telephone Company, because the city chose to build a fiber optics network of their own. The judge dismissed their complaint of competition by a governmental organization. Quoting: "The judge's ruling is noteworthy for two things: (1) the judge's complete dismissal of Bridgewater Telephone Company's complaint and (2) his obvious anger at the underfunding of Minnesota's state courts. Indeed, the longest footnote in the opinion is an extended jeremiad about how much work judges are under and why it took so long to decide this case."

Linux 2.6.27 Out 452 writes "Linux 2.6.27 has been released. It adds a new filesystem (UBIFS) for 'pure' flash-based storage, the page-cache is now lockless, much improved Direct I/O scalability and performance, delayed allocation support for ext4, multiqueue networking, data integrity support in the block layer, a function tracer, a mmio tracer, sysprof support, improved webcam support, support for the Intel wifi 5000 series and RTL8187B network cards, a new ath9k driver for the Atheros AR5008 and AR9001 chipsets, more new drivers, and many other improvements and fixes. Full list of changes can be found here."
United States

Permanent Links For US Legislation Documents 42

dizzymslizzy writes "With prompting from the Sunlight Foundation's Open House Project, the US Library of Congress announced today that its online database THOMAS will now generate persistent URLs, known as legislative handles, for legislation documents. As Free Government Info says, 'it is certainly nice to be able to link to legislation with a persistent link! But it would be much better if one could click to create a link rather than following a 600-word description of how to link on another page.' Still, this is a definite step forward for the Library of Congress and for government transparency. From THOMAS: 'Legislative Handles are a new persistent URL service for creating links to legislative documents from the THOMAS web site ( With a simple syntax, Legislative Handles make it easy to type in legislative links to bibliographies, reference guides, emails, blogs, or web pages. Legislative Handles, for instance,, are a convenient way to cite legislation.'

Algorithms Can Make You Pretty 288

caffeinemessiah writes "The New York Times has an interesting story on a new algorithm by researchers from Tel Aviv University that modifies a facial picture of a person to conform to standards of attractiveness. Based on a digital library of pictures of people who have been judged 'attractive,' the algorithm finds the nearest match and modifies an input picture so it conforms to the 'attractive' person's proportions. The trick, however, is that the resultant pictures are still recognizable as the original person. Here's a quick link to a representative picture of the process. Note that this is a machine-learning approach to picture modification, not a characterization of beauty, and could just as easily be used to make a person less attractive." Note: As reader Trent Waddington points out, the underlying research was mentioned in an earlier story as well.

NSA Whistleblowers Reveal Extent of Eavesdropping 222

ma11achy was one of several readers to write about claims made by two former military intercept operators who worked for the NSA that "Despite pledges by President George W. Bush and American intelligence officials to the contrary, hundreds of US citizens overseas have been eavesdropped on as they called friends and family back home." Ars Technica has a brief report as well, and reader net_shaman adds a link to Glenn Greenwald's opinion piece on the eavesdropping at Salon.

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