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Comment When will they finally learn? (Score 2) 154

You can't stop the signal, Mal.

Those iconic words from Serenity have always embodied the obvious reality that corporations are apparently deeply in denial over: People will find a way, and they're not going to stop. The tighter corporations and governments squeeze, the more slips through their grasp. They're wasting time and money trying to stamp out a problem that really isn't a problem, making everything cost more for everyone, which just incentivizes filesharers even more. This 'agreement' isn't going to change anything, other than hurting individuals who really aren't harming anyone or anything, ruining their lives because they wanted to hear a song or see a TV show. The organized criminals and terrorist groups who are mass-producing pirated movies and other content to fund their activities won't be any more affected by this than they're prevented from having firearms in places where it's been made illegal for people to own firearms, they'll go right on with their operations without so much as blinking. Memo to media corporations: The more draconic you make things for everyone, the more everyone is going to hate you and not want to pay for your content. It's time for you to retire your 19th Century business model and get into the 21st Century with the rest of us: Stop screwing us over for your content, stop destroying people's lives with gigantic judgements against individuals, accept the fact that some filesharing is going to happen and move on already.

Comment 'Advertising' style HDTVs (Score 1) 330

OP probably won't see this as there are already over 200 comments, but here's what I know: They make/sell HDTV monitors that don't even have so much as an HDTV tuner in them, and they're intended for commercial use for things like menu boards, advertising, etc. They're not particularly cheap, though, compared to a regular consumer-grade HDTV, but if price is no object then that's one way to go. The other way to go is to buy a freakishly large computer monitor and use that, or as others have suggested, just don't connect the thing to your network at all, without a data connection the so-called 'smart' features are disabled anyway.

On an associated note, I'm surprised the hacker community hasn't come up wtih hacked firmware to load onto 'smart' HDTVs to do specifically this sort of thing, or at least give you the option of 'lobotomizing' your HDTV so it is just a monitor.

Comment Superfluous, disproportionate punishment (Score 2) 176

Three things:
1. This really is a punishment grossly disproportionate with the magnitude of the rule broken.
2. If they don't want them using Facebook, then why isn't it blocked on all computers that inmates have access to?
3. Using Facebook is punishment enough in and of itself, why add insult to injury over it?

Comment Re:Voluntary participation? (Score 1) 168

Nah, you don't want to use a shotgun, and I'll give you two very compelling reasons why:
1. Unless you live on a farm and your nearest neighbor is a couple miles away, some of your shotgun pellets are going to end up landing on someone's house, or on them, and they'll get cranky about that and call the cops on you, who will be very cranky that you discharged a firearm in a residential area, likely take it away from you, and maybe take you away, too.
2. Destroying someone's drone is wasteful. Get a gun that shoots a net of some sort instead. Then the drone gets grounded, you take it hostage, relatively intact. The owner of said drone shows up looking for it, you tell them "You want your drone back, which by the way was invading my privacy? You have to PAY to get it back." They refuse to pay? One word: Craigslist.

Comment Obvious answer: FBI/NSA/CIA honeypot (Score 1) 168

This is about as obvious as the 'have you ever used illegal drugs/are you using illegal drugs right now' type questions you find on employment applications. Running a grow operation or meth lab in your house? Organized crime? Terrorist cell? Don't want any pesky drones flying around then do you? Create a 'no-fly' zone, and worry no more about pesky law enforcement ruining your day! In all seriousness, yeah, probably just some jackholes wanting to get your personal information for FREE, which they sell to whoever. Then you get drones flying around your property anyway, and all that extra SPAM, telemarketing calls, and junk mail.

Comment Re:I've got this (Score 1) 400

The only problem I have with this is that I have a gut reaction to someone reposting shit like that: I feel it is either trivializing what is happening, or glorifying the atrocity, and by extension, the fucking assholes who are doing this shit. But maybe I've been looking at this the wrong way: Anyone who reposts things like that video with the intention of either trivializing it, or glorifying so-called 'islamic state' assholes? They are revealing their true selves to the world, and they will get exactly what they deserve for it. So sure thing, assholes, go ahead and keep reposting your horrific shit; we'll be happy to ostracize you for it -- assuming you survive the beatings some people will give you.

Comment To hell with 'the cloud', store your own data! (Score 1) 178

High capacity USB hard drives are cheap an ubiquitos and USB won't be going away any time in the forseeable future, and can be stored in a bank's safe deposit box, or if you're super-paranoid, sealed in a waterproof/weatherproof container and buried in your backyard or out in the wilderness somewhere. Worry about data not being accessible in 3, 5, 10 years time? Face it: If you're not accessing some files for years and years, then you probably don't need the data anyway. If it's important you'll be accessing it regularly and if you notice any degradation in the storage medium you'll copy it to new media/a new device and destroy the old one anyway. Come on people this isn't difficult! Disregard the 'cloud' and be responsible for your own data.

Comment Yet another 'news story' to be miscontrued! (Score 1) 200

You know how the 'sedentary' (read as: fat, totally un-fit couch potatoes) will get from this?

See? I shouldn't exercise at all, it'll kill me quicker! Honey, could you get me another beer from the 'fridge? I don't want to get up.

Seriously, I'd like to just shoot so-called 'researchers' who publish crap like this.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 412

This isn't a laughing matter to me or lots of people. The FDA and the pharma-industrial complex in this country have been gunning for the supplements industry for a long time now and shit like this going on just gives them ammunition. You don't want to live in a world where you can't even buy name-brand multivitamins unless your doctor gives you a prescription, do you? That's the world they'd like us to be living in: Where ALL dietary supplements are regulated substances that have to be prescribed by a doctor. I really don't want to have to put myself in the same category as steroid abusers, legally-speaking, because I don't want to have to convince some rediculous doctor that the vitamins I've been taking for years and years are 'necessary' or not, and therefore have to get them from some questionable source and have the DEA or FBI show up on my doorstep to arrest me for 'illegal posession of a controlled substance'.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 307

If you think everyone else is broken, it's more likely just you are

People in glass houses should not throw stones.

I'm no octogenarian, or even in my 60's. I'm a short way from being 50 to be honest, I'm not stupid (far from it), I'm not wrong, and I'm far from being alone in my views or opinions, either. Just because you don't see the problem doesn't mean there isn't a problem, and just because you can't see far enough ahead to what may happen if current trends continue doesn't mean it won't happen, either. I learned a long time ago that sticking your head in the sand and ignoring what's going on around you because it's upsetting or inconvenient to you doesn't make the problem go away, it more tends to make you part of the problem.

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