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Comment Re:Shetland and Orkney (Score 1) 192

Not sure what your third point is. I was saying "just move" isn't as easy as it sounds: ask Palestinians. It is the way it is but it doesn't make it easy that because a plurality of your province decided to separate you are going to go to great cost and move away from extended family so you can live under the government you want too. Democracies can have their problems just like anything made by people. For hundreds of years "we the people" didn't include anyone not a white male. Even the fear of a vocal minority can prevent things that the majority want because the vocal minority might stear funding needed to buy, er, "convince" voters your platform is the right one. I'd argue that is the case for large parts of the US for gun control, gay rights and healthcare reform: an issue become so hot button for a large minority that rather than making policies the majority want legislators just avoid even bringing the issue to a vote.

Additionally, the majority can infringe on the minorities property rights as I'd argue progressive taxation, tax exceptions for particular groups (like married couples, or people with children, people earning their incomes from capital, etc): the majority decides that the minority are better able to pay or they are more entitled to help because of situations they are in (often by choice). Better than a single dictator/ethnic group making all the decisions but still far from perfect.

Comment Re:FOSS names (Score 1) 270

So you think fsck is something besides a descriptive abbreviation for File System Check? What about ls (List), rm (Remove), cp (Copy), or touch (literally, Touch File). Oh, I see. It's a pre-teen double entendre.

Comment Re:FOSS names (Score 1) 270

I'm not impressed by what it is named. It *IS* an amulator; fact; get over it.

Emulate: reproduce the function or action of (a different computer, software system, etc.).

So it's not an instruction-set emulator like qemu (was originally). Big deal. There are other things than instruction sets you can emulate.

Comment Re:Shetland and Orkney (Score 1) 192

The problem is if you own property, you are your kids are part way through an education etc. Depending on how good of terms they leave on you might need a travel visa to go back and forth (say the FLQ started up again we we had some "troubles"). If you have a criminal record often presto you can't travel internationally and often if you are on the wrong side of a revolution you are a criminal.

Comment Re:Shetland and Orkney (Score 1) 192

Same difference I think. It didn't make sense for Newfoundland to stay independent so they confederated. If Quebec separated they'd likely chose either to stay part of Canada, join Quebec, from an Atlantic trade club etc. They'd find someone to trade with. I'm guessing a lot of the coastal provinces do a lot of their trade with Quebec so maybe they'd still pal around. Problem is always the people that don't want to separate. If 100% of Quebecers wanted to separate I'd be all for it. No more mandatory/priority treatment to a bastard dialect of French, separate legal systems, they'd get to take their share of the national debt, Maple Leaf fans maybe would stop bitching all the time etc.

Comment Thought crime (Score -1) 165

The problem is that the general public now wants the police to keep them safe against everything and anything, not just prosecute criminals. In this case, the people that were arrested haven't actually done anything yet. They have only thought about it. So they are being prosecuted for a thought crime.

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