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Comment Re:Wild climate in N. Sweden. (Score 1) 122

Naah, now you're pushing it. -30 is the usual minimum range for the whole of lappland, maybe -35 when it's really cold. But yeah, the summers are hot, you can swim outside in the rivers if you really want to. As for the reasons for the location of the datacenter, you're forgetting Luleå technical university.

Comment Re:No surprise there (Score 1) 515

There's also the kind of people that have no need to "be a part of society". I consider myself very lucky to be psychologically wired like that because otherwise I'd probably have grown up depressed in the manner that you're describing. I've seen it happen to others.

Also, do realize that people with truly poor executive abilities literally doesn't feel worried about things until they slap them in the face.

Comment It's not just impulse control, but... (Score 1) 515

ADHD is inheritable to a high degree, and even someone without the full-blown disorder can have traits of it. I don't think it's that simple though as many poor people I've observed actually exhibit good impulse control and reasonable planning/executive abilities. I think that it's a general inability to make their will and drive manifest (or a lack of such in the first place) that results in poverty, no matter the underlying cause. Someone could, for example, be so socially inhibited or incompetent that they can't get a good job.

Comment Re:Well of course we are (Score 1) 374

I believe that the blind following of rules is a result of trying to adapt to an alien social environment, not one that is innate. A normal person stuck in a society of (functioning) autists/asperger people would be equally at loss, and would have to make up rules to get along. My mother has stated that she had to reason in this manner, both regarding me and regarding "aspie" colleauges and friends.

Also, for me at some point the rules turned into intellectual models about human behaviour that tries to relate my emotions and thoughts to those of others and thus lost much of their rigidity.

Comment Re:Useless (Score 1) 404

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that numbers might be innate to the human perception of reality? If our brains worked differently we might use an entirely other way of viewing quantities that, for example, relies entirely upon geometry or some other, completely alien faculty not just for expression but for actually thinking about them - like those of a mind (hypothetically, that of a little green man from alpha centauri) that sees reality as a continuum and doesn't think about discrete objects or groupings as such. Who's to say that such a mind wouldn't have a more accurate view of reality?

A friend of mine has dyscalculia, and he doesn't grasp arithmetic or more than very basic numeral manipulation - yet he obviously can judge quantities and can intuitively reason abstractly about logical relationships between things. He just can't do math like we others can.

Comment Citizen (Score 1) 146

"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to test a prototype software program designed to trap filthy Communists and Mutants inside a simulation of the life of a Red-level warehouse worker that Friend Computer has laboriously constructed. Unfortunately, the manual is marked Blue and cannot be accessed by a Red-level citizen such as yourself. Attempting to access the manual without clearance is Treason and punishable by termination. Friend Computer wishes you godspeed."

Comment Transparency (Score 2) 478

While this is certainly rather awesome, as a non-US citizen I think they should be open about it. Even if everyone else already assumed that they monitored everything they possibly could. Also, how did they ever think they where going to keep a domestic operation of that scale secret?

Besides, how could they monitor foreign computer/internet-based espionage and other such things without actually monitoring the entire domestic network? If they where more open about this they could perhaps release information about botnet activity or similar useful data.

Submission + - Megaupload Trial May Never Happen, Judge Says

Turbine2k5 writes: A US judge has put a bomb under the Megaupload case by informing the FBI that a trial in the United States may never happen. The cyberlocker was never formally served with the appropriate paperwork by the US authorities, as it is impossible to serve a foreign company with criminal charges.

Comment Re:Chronic Depression, type 1 diabetes, (Score 1) 190

In the case of autism there's a quirk: "hyper-systemizing" people (i.e. potentially productive geeks) tend to have more children with autism and Asperger syndrome. This would indicate that there's a positive side to these genes that is maladaptive if taken too far.

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