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Comment Re: For some it was just a plain black screen (Score 1) 304

I can haz games fine on linux too - especially as there's a well knows FOSS software to provide Windows API for, and run large set of Windows applications. Sure, I can't get every/any game to work, but I consider myself a hardcore gamer and yet don' need to have all of them. There's way more good games that work on it for me to ever play all of them. And I've run linux almost extensively since 02 - when I switched I first thought I'd keep windows as dual boot for games, but after 2 weeks in linhx I never went back.

Comment Re:For some it was just a plain black screen (Score 1) 304

Linux has worked fine for most peoples needs on desktop for ages. I dont see much additional benefit for it from android, which is really for mobile devices, or Chrome OS, which is mostly good for lightweight netbooks.

People just need to get over whatever it is keeping them for believing it don't work on desktops. Please, no quoting ones special needs cases as rebbutals.

Comment Re:I would be very interested... (Score 1) 200

That was a joke - hell, I even put a smiley there for morons and simpletons to get it right, but such efforts are often futile as we all know. English is not my native language but I've never had ADHD related problems in learning it - as said, it was a flaming obvious joke.

You can reply but don't expect an answer after this. I've no desire to argue with anti-vaccination, AGW denialism promoting useless science ignorant masses of morons.

Comment Re:I would be very interested... (Score 1) 200

This post, unlike the ones just simply in denial of the whole AD(H)D existing at all, is hardly something I would disagree with :) You make very good points and present them clearly and politely (more so than I'm capable at times).

Also, I am concerned of misdiagnosis and over subscribing of stimulants (especially for children) that is rampant in some countries (USA being one such place as far as I've come to understand). It's not only damaging to those who are being misdiagnosed but in the long run it may well damage AD(H)D people who find themselves not being able to get treatment easily...

...which is often the case where I live. It's not easy to get an AH(H)D diagnosis and stimulant treatment here in Finland. While we have, generally speaking, a quite good public healthcare system here, I know from my own experience and from what I've heard of other adult AD(H)D people and parents of AD(H)D children, it can sometimes be a real fight to even get you in waiting line to be tested for AD(H)D. I fought from 2003 to 2006 to get there and got diagnosed in 2007 (at age of 27). Still I do think it's better this way than if it were "too easy" to get diagnosis (I'm referring to misdiagnosis problem) - but there's always room for improvement :)

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