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Comment Re:It's the conversation, (Score 1) 367

I call BS on that, or having passengers talking to you cause accidents.

According to studies, passengers can observe when it is safe to talk and therefore conversations with them are less of a risk than conversations on a cell phone.

Ham radio operators talk on the radio all the time and dont have accidents at that rate, Semi truck drivers use a CB heavily and also dont.

I don't think you're interpreting the results correctly. Of all the accidents Ham radio operators or truck-drivers get into, what percentage involve their radio(s)? That's the question.

Comment This makes perfect sense (Score 2) 273

In effect, the IRS is treating Bitcoin like any other "foreign" currency, which amounts to the same thing as treating it as property. When you sell (i.e., spend) Bitcoin, you're realizing a profit or loss, depending on the value it had when you received (bought) it, compared to the value it had when you sold it.

IANAA, but as I read this, it means that if you get paid for work in Bitcoin, you would pay tax on its value at that time, and that value would be considered your cost-basis for future sales of Bitcoin, so you don't get taxed twice on the cost-basis amount.

Comment Re:It's not arrogant, it's correct. (Score 3, Interesting) 466

It seems the postal analogy is better than the car analogy.

At one time (19th century?) when you mailed an international letter, you might have to affix postage for all the countries the letter went through. Not any more.

In effect, AT&T is trying to make Netflix pay for "stamps" to send "letters" into their system, even though most other "letter-senders" don't have to. (Of course, AT&T already charges its customers to receive the "letters" so whatup.)

But really I think AT&T is trying to set up its own cyber-fiefdom, and charge "import duties" to competing content-providers like Netflix.

Comment Re:This is what happens (Score 1) 31

On a positive note, they seem to have expounded our understanding of what music isn't.

[I see what you did there. :-)]

Music is an artistic expression rendered in sound. It doesn't matter how the sound is generated. What matters is intent.

So I would say yes, this is music. But whether it's good music is an entirely different question.

Comment Re:Equal Air Time for Both Sides (Score 1) 667

My wife had the best quip when she saw me reading this article...

"Sure, they can get equal air time as soon as the pope starts dedicating equal air time to Darwinisim."

The Roman Catholic Church (and many mainstream denominations of Christianity) conceded that Darwinism was correct a long time ago. (Ditto for denominations of many other non-Christian religions.) John Paul II himself said that Darwinism was "more than a theory."

Comment Re:You can't marginalize fringe groups. (Score 1) 667

Creation science is fringe science. This doesn't mean it's *wrong*, it means it doesn't get mentioned in a discussion of mainstream science, except to be refuted.

No, creation "science" is not science at all. It claims biblical authority and therefore does not recognize any scientific attempt to falsify it. Yet it has been falsified, and has no place in a discussion of "mainstream" science.

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