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Comment Re:And now why this can not be done in the USofA (Score 1) 317

I worked in a building right next to a small hydro plant built into a waterfall. A large manufacturing facility nearby also had its own power plant that supplied some of the local houses. During the northeast US blackout of 2003 I rode home after dark and didn't realize the power was out until I got beyond those facilities. Small scale can work.

Comment Re:Reminds of of something at a past job (Score 3, Insightful) 765

Remind me again what "wellHungLo" was supposed to represent?

I wouldn't consider someone who wrote code like that a "superstar". He sounds more like a cowboy coder who couldn't give a shit about code maintenance after he moved on to something else. I would have complained about his shitty naming and if management was too scared to fix such a massive fuckup then you're better off working elsewhere.

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 4, Insightful) 135

I dont see a problem with changing "choke hold" to "arm bar" is that is what the police call the move that was done.

There is a world of difference between a choke hold and an arm bar. One breaks your arm/elbow and you get to live. The other can be used inappropriately and the recipient ends up dead. They are in no way the same.

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