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Comment Open Source in Procurement (Score 2) 96

Around the time of Horizon Online appearing in 2010 (not original pre-2k Horizon), the UK government, also the sole shareholder of the Post Office, was at the cutting edge of bringing open source into public procurement and increasing technical transparency.

What surprises me is that, at this point, there is very little questioning of whether single-purpose government contract closed source is automatically the right choice - there's a case for open and for closed, but Github is a lot easier to access for an expert witness. While there were also issues with the reference data, it is hard to think of a starker example of why having access for third-parties, even just to the code, matters (yes ironic, but did a Medium article few days back if anyone wants some more context links for this point).

This has become my go-to answer to "whether government money means public code only impacts technical people".

Submission + - Wind turbines are friendlier to birds than oil-and-gas drilling (

SpzToid writes: No one doubts that wind turbines do indeed kill at least some birds. But a new analysis of American data, published in Environmental Science & Technology, suggests the numbers are negligible, and have little impact on bird populations.

Wind power has expanded dramatically in America over the past 20 years, from 2.6 gigawatts of installed capacity on land in 2000 to 122 gigawatts in 2020. Many studies have analysed the effects in specific locations or on specific bird species. But few have looked at the effects on wildlife at the population level. Enter Erik Katovich, an economist at the University of Geneva. Dr Katovich made use of the Christmas Bird Count, a citizen-science project run by the National Audubon Society, an American non-profit outfit. Volunteers count birds they spot over Christmas, and the society compiles the numbers. Its records stretch back over a century.

Comparing bird populations to the locations of new gas wells revealed an average 15% drop in bird numbers when new wells were drilled, probably due to a combination of noise, air pollution and the disturbance of rivers and ponds that many birds rely upon. When drilling happened in places designated by the National Audubon Society as “important bird areas”, bird numbers instead dropped by 25%. Such places are typically migration hubs, feeding grounds or breeding locations.

Submission + - NASA UFO team calls for higher quality data in first public meeting (

sciencehabit writes: The truth may be out there about UFOs, or what the government currently calls “unidentified anomalous phenomena” (UAPs). But finding it will require collecting data that are more rigorous than the anecdotal reports that typically fuel the controversial sightings, according to a panel of scientists, appointed by NASA to advise the agency on the topic, that held its first public meeting today.

The 16-person panel, created last year at the behest of NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, is not itself evaluating UFO claims. Instead, it is advising NASA on how the agency can contribute to federal investigations that have been led by the Department of Defense (DOD) and intelligence agencies, says panel chair David Spergel, an astrophysicist and president of the Simons Foundation, who spoke to Science ahead of the meeting. “NASA is a public agency, an open agency, that encourages the use of the scientific method for looking at results.” But science can only be done when there are data to work on, he adds. “You’re not going to learn much from fuzzy pictures from the 1950s.”

So far, most “unidentified” phenomena flagged by the military have ended up being weather balloons, drones, camera glitches, or undisclosed military aircraft, Spergel says. “It’s very unlikely there are space aliens that travel through space and use technology that looks remarkably like what we have right now.”

Submission + - IAEA Team in Japan for Final Review of Fukushima Nuclear Plant Water Discharge (

An anonymous reader writes: An International Atomic Energy Agency team arrived in Tokyo on Monday for a final review before Japan begins releasing massive amounts of treated radioactive water into the sea from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant, a plan that has been strongly opposed by local fishing communities and neighboring countries. The team, which includes experts from 11 countries, will meet with officials from the government and the plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, and visit the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant during their five-day visit, the economy and industry ministry said.

Japan announced plans in April 2021 to gradually release the wastewater following further treatment and dilution to what it says are safe levels. The release is expected to begin within a few months after safety checks by Japanese nuclear regulators of the newly constructed water discharge facility and a final report by IAEA expected in late June. Japan sought IAEA’s assistance in ensuring the release meets international safety standards and to gain the understanding of other countries.

Japanese officials say the water will be treated to legally releasable levels and further diluted with large amounts of seawater. It will be gradually released into the ocean over decades through an undersea tunnel, making it harmless to people and marine life, they say. Some scientists say the impact of long-term, low-dose exposure to radionuclides is unknown and the release should be delayed.

Comment Cat a cat pic (Score 2) 286

A few years back, I created a set of libs to provide this in Gnome Terminal. Not the most elegant solution but it allowed SVG to be rendered into the terminal and so, once the custom libvte was installed then gnome-terminal would support overlays like a miniview for vim (only requiring a vim plugin), ability to print image files to the terminal, matplotlib graphs for system monitoring, etc. I even had partial tmux multiplexing support and passthrough for SSH.

Naturally, there was a lot of work to do going forward to make a stable production tool - for example, if a program can write arbitrary images to your terminal it can mislead you in ways a normal console program couldn't, but equally usage/security issues like that were not necessarily _that_ far from what you could already do, and these were not unsolvable problems. Compatibility-wise, anything that could output SVG as text could manage the simple protocol, and I'd client libs for Python so it was a little like ncurses usage (in fact, one example uses ncurses and gasket).

After a while I realised that the general response was "Nice novelty - shrug" so rather than keeping maintaining or improving a fork of libvte, I stopped. That was 8 years ago - now I still miss my miniview in vim :/

Comment Re:Using an API vs Reimplementing an API? (Score 1) 332

Re-reading the article, I now think it's just a handy definition of what an API is, not specific to the case. Think that is effectively what the ACs who disagreed above are saying too.

I've tweeted Bloomberg Technology to suggest it's clarified, especially as it sounds a bit like Google have stolen a big, functioning bit of software and for some reason they're refusing to pay up (maybe that was debated in an earlier component of the case, IIRC, but not the current issue). In particular, that's the only bit of the article I can see with any technical explanation of what happened, so it's hard to come away thinking "yes, I can see Google's point", which is unlike most write-ups I've seen to date.

Comment Using an API vs Reimplementing an API? (Score 4, Insightful) 332

The dispute is over pre-written directions known as application program interfaces, or APIs, which can work across different types of devices and provide the instructions for things like connecting to the internet or accessing certain types of files. By using the APIs, programmers don't have to write new code from scratch to implement every function in their software or change it for every type of device.

Have I completely misunderstood this case or has Bloomberg?

Comment Re: The problem is not with open-source software (Score 1) 97

Agreed - developers conflating Open Source (OSI compliant) and proprietary licenses, including "non-commercial", causes wide-ranging problems. Not suggesting CopperheadOS do this, only a number of previous commenters

  1. Developers including open source code, to later find out that they have just sunk their company's product. Even with GPL, you can look at becoming compliant. Here, that means winding up your company
    • My Github code is MIT licensed, use for your project! (By the way, I built it on another MIT licensed project - turns out it wasn't, sorry, but a random third-party developer now wants damages from your employer). Lot less likely when upstream doesn't stick source-available non-OSS project on Github with an MIT license. Looking at you, HoverCSS.
  2. It's anticompetitive, which is fine, but pretends to be collaborative, which isn't. Open source works because it's a clear concept, with interpretations all following some basic principles. NC doesn't. If Android was source-available there would be no CopperheadOS.
  3. It feeds FUD. Building on open source doesn't automatically destroy your business. But using this would.
  4. It perpetuates the "Open Source is anti-commercial" myth. Not convinced? Read the comments above. That makes it far harder for those of us running businesses making (and selling) commercial open source products to challenge those assumptions (and so survive commercially).
  5. It's far harder to prove non-derivation of your own code from source-available than closed source you haven't had access to.

Summary order of preference:

  1. Open source
  2. Source-available proprietary
  3. Closed proprietary
  4. Being delivered a trained parrot and monkey who alone may interact with the software on my behalf
  5. Either 2 or 3 pretending to be 1.

Comment Re:Poll: what was your first exposure to a Ghibli? (Score 1) 102

First was Howl's moving castle: Finding out later that Howl was from Wales was a bit of a surprise, but I guess they have the world's most castles per capita, so if there's a moving one anywhere...

Although Spirited Away had the edge, for me.

Comment Not to undermine the enthusiasm but... (Score 4, Informative) 180

It's a little unclear what is official response, what is somebody else's response (e.g. "For the record, I am not a member..." doesn't suggest an authoritative source) and what is actually required. In fairness to them, the major objection in the article is over UNetBootIn - Geza Kovacs (the upstream author) has kindly posted in the comments section: "They seem to have simply followed my instructions for customization [...] so I don't mind."

Lack of responsiveness would obviously be an issue, and one that's easy to confirm, so maybe a big statement in the article saying "I made formal contact directly a week ago and heard nothing back" would have been a good first step to answer "Is this a blatant disregard for the GPL and Apache licenses by an optimistic startup, or were the authors too eager to release that they forgot to provide access to the repo?"

Comment Hold on a second... (Score 1) 240

Having touch-typed for a fair time and diligently done my RSA courses back at school, I match fingers to keys pretty consistently. However, looking at this question made me spot a couple things and now I want to know if they're common for formal-ish typists too...

  1. Pinky never hits the top row. A, Z, ", |, / [en-us], that's it.
  2. 6 always left index, Y always right index EXCEPT when index finger just used on bottom row, then (unconsciously) middle finger: e.g. V6, any, my, BT.

I get neither of these are particularly odd in themselves, but it is more that I have been doing this for over fifteen years, recognising only two or three letter combinations and mentally remapping, but never once noticed.

And typing this is a bit like listening to yourself breathing. It's actually going to drive me crazy.

Comment Re:a nice Linux trick (Score 1) 698

Swapping Caps and Escape has changed my life to the extent I would consider carrying little stickers around for all the keyboards I remap. Unsurprisingly, I'm a fairly heavy vim user, but I believe this is an increasing trend, especially on Mac.

As vi was written on an ADM-3A, which had Esc in the currently common Tab location, the notoriously heavy use of Esc in vim makes sense. However, swapping with Caps makes it reachable from the home position - initially skeptical, I only realised how much of a difference it makes when I tried to switch back...

On Gnome 3, I have recently switched from using xmodmap to setting org.desktop.gnome.input-sources.xkb-options to ['caps:swapescape'] in dconf-editor. Much easier.

Comment Re:my 2cents (Score 1) 302

Agreed - I find that with Laravel, I can practically sneeze a (development) mock-up. With a bit of practice, it can be kept clean, conceptually reproducing relationships described by the client, easy to unit (and acceptance) test and, for moderately simple websites, extended smoothly to what you ultimately want. With the foundations nailed down, you can spend your time drawing up your HTML/CSS layout in the views and enjoy concise snippets for dropping in object properties and looping over items. I admit, I am more of a developer, but I would say Laravel would be a great choice for a designer who wants to get power without spending all their time in PHP.

More importantly, from the OPs perspective, if you know some PHP and understand OOP, it is slimline enough to dip in and out of the libraries to see what's going on. But for anything fairly standard you don't need to, because there is adequate documentation and reference websites such as the excellent Laracasts or tutorial sites, such as, for the more adventurous, Culttt. No deep hidden binary blobs, as in some commercial libraries, or spaghetti bowl of indecipherable ramblings, as can happen organically in some PHP projects, but plenty of power and extensible neatly through (as the parent pointed out) composer.

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