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Comment Re:Not a Netflix issue - A banking issue (Score 2) 89

All of this was done. Uber could not help him. The bank could not help him. He ended up contacting his representative in congress to see if they could do anything. He felt like they didn't really understand the problem. The only thing that seems to resolve the problem is closing the credit card account entirely and then opening a whole new account. I think it is the usual problem. Companies are making money and they have little incentive to fix the problem.

Comment Not a Netflix issue - A banking issue (Score 3, Informative) 89

This is not a Netflix issue. This is a banking issue. I have a friend who had someone charging uber eats charges to his card. He cancelled the card an got a new one and kindly the bank gave Uber the new card number and the charges started again. This is a service to the vendors by the credit card companies. My friend could not get it stopped even by going through his bank that issued the card. They just seemed to be able to nothing about it. This should be something you can opt out of.

Comment Re: No chance at all (Score 4, Insightful) 298

The unmanned fighters would not have to worry about the pilot's physical limitations. So, they could handle what would be fatal G forces in turns.

Just last week I watched an episode of Dogfights. One flight that was showcased was an Isreali ace (Giora Epstein) who at one time was outnumbered 10 to 1 in a dogfight (his buddies had bugged out) and was flying an airplane that was inferior to what he was fighting against. Yet, if I remember correctly, he downed 5 enemy aircraft and almost got a 6th.

  1. He could see enemy planes twice as far out as they could see him.
  2. He had amazing situational awareness.
  3. He knew now to get the most out of his aircraft
  4. He was patient and waited until is enemy made a mistake.

I worry more about the possibility of mass produced (cheaper but competent) enemy aircraft with well trained pilots.

Comment Re:Correction (Score 5, Informative) 55

This article is the most poorly worded article I have read in a long time. It was not at all clear what they meant. However, the NASA link is quite clear.

It is not the farthest picture from earth. It was not taken from earth, or even near earth. It is not the picture itself they are talking about. It is the space probe that took it. New Horizons was the furthest from Earth of any space probe that has taken a picture (any picture).

Voyager 1 was 3.75 billion miles away from Earth when it took a picture. It just so happens it was a picture of Earth.
New Horizons was 3.79 billion miles away from Earth when it took a picture. (That is the record they are talking about).

Comment Re:Unsightly? (Score 1) 384


Don't remove it. I use it to send over the air TV throughout my house.

One other thing. It is very easy to come across new 75 Ohm cable for cheap. Sometimes long pieces are just discarded by contractors or cable companies after wiring a project. The newer cables are a significant improvement over the cable placed in homes years ago. So, I would not rip out the old stuff and look to re purpose it when I can get new and better stuff so cheap.

Comment Re:FCC: The inept Paper Tiger.... (Score 3, Informative) 320

The FCC either farms out the enforcement (Amateur Radio is farmed out to the ARRL) or simply makes no enforcement action at all.

ARRL has no enforcement power. It does have an Official Observer program. These operators do look for improper operation and can document this behavior. They do send out notices of improper operation to ham operators (amateur radio is usually called ham radio). There are no teeth behind this notice. An important part of their role is sending out notices when hams operate particularly well.

Documentation of improper operating can end up being forwarded to the FCC in hopes that they will act on it. It is only the FCC that has actual enforcement power. Many submissions never get acted upon. The ones that seem to get immediate action are if you interfere with another licensed service (interfering with police, emergency medical, aviation, commercial broadcast).

Lack of enforcement by the FCC is a problem. Many field offices have been closed down. Lack of funding is definitely making the problem worse.

ARRL is a great organization. They do provide great training materials for proper operation. They do a lot of lobbying for the Amateur Radio Service. They work to protect the service from band encroachment. They watch for well intentioned but poorly worded legislation that impacts the service. For example: North Carolina has been considering legislation (SB 393) that would ban use of almost any electronic communication device in a vehicle. ARRL is organizing operators in the state to ask their representatives to amend the verbiage to exclude amateur radio. Mobile operation is an important part of the amateur radio service. Banning it would make much of the value that the amateur radio service provides impossible. In addition, amateur radio mobile operation has a stellar safety record.

ARRL cannot enforce, but it can educate and work to influence.

Comment Re:Hey, cable companies: (Score 1) 200

And when commercial services just have no interest in serving your community? You can't force these companies to serve you. So, you just do without? So, you doom a community to having no new companies move in because you cant give them good internet service? That was Winston Salem, NC. And they provided their own service because NOBODY ELSE WOULD. And then the NC legislature stepped in and banned the practice for future communities. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

So, we have a law banning local governments from providing this service to their citizens because we want to be sure that corporate America won't lose a potential market that they aren't even interested in serving. Again, STUPID!.

Comment Re:Here's a better reason to quit social media (Score 1) 186

Here is one of my problems with it. Social media mostly happens real time. Because of that it unnecessarily injects drama into your life. I don't use any of the main social media services. But, my wife and kids do. It is not unusual for something to blow up online within their peer groups. So my wife and kids start hyperventilating about what happened and looking for solutions and then something happens and the issue gets resolved pretty much on its own.

So, I manage to get through the whole day without drama. And when I eventually hear about what happened, it is all resolved and everything is back to normal. They on the other hand have spent their day caught up in this non-crisis and wasted all kinds of time, energy and emotion on it.

There is definitely such thing as being too available. Many of the social media services make everything too available.

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