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Comment Re: Buybacks signal there is nothing better you ca (Score 2) 32

HP never invented a round mouse.
A fantastically expensive cube floating on perspex.
A slippery "which way up is it" remote for their TV appliance.
Keys so flat they're worse than typing on glass.
RAM so expensive you'd think you were in a fancy restaurant whose only profits came from side dishes and the wine list.
The dysfunctional disaster that was MobileMe.
And, why... yes, I am an Apple fan.

Comment Re:Buybacks signal there is nothing better you can (Score 1) 32

Another perspective, not corporate, is that I reported to them an unintuitive behaviour trap in their app store, and their support people agreed, and it was fixed a year later. And another anecdote, a Store employee suggested to me that I cite my EU rights, and therefore they'd have to fix my thing.

I'm not saying corporations aren't inherently inhuman, dehumanising machines, where the systems and silos become anti-pattens, just that to some extent maybe they're not the worst.

Comment Re:A century off but. (Score 1) 23

Yes. There's one objective material world, yet everyone has their own inner movie that they're experiencing. Now, if all is material, then there's no need for that inner experiencer. We would just react and process like a machine that's sophisticated yet has no sentience. A machine could replicate a human in every way without needing to also be sentient. But people who deny the problem kinda claim that the sentience is irrelevant, or an illusion of sentience, yet if you were not sentient then there would be no you experiencing life at all.

Comment Re:Twice the work for good teachers. (Score 2) 121

Yes, I agree, I think it is making society worse. It's the classic sci-fi story where a technology is invented that's so powerful we actually end up destroying ourselves because it amplifies our worst natures, i.e. forbidden planet. Human nature hasn't changed that much in thousands of years. However, at the same time, the technology does seem to work in positive ways that are unexpected. Kind of like how the internet is increasing transparency and starting to deconstruct all the propaganda that we've been living under for hundreds of years. There are these weird, subtle beneficial effects which seem to happen despite us, and perhaps that's one saving grace.

Comment Re:Still no touch screen? (Score 1) 150

I agree. I think each form factor exists because of how it fits with the environment and the person and what the person is doing. There are many times when having a huge monitor just gets in the way. There are times when having a keyboard gets in the way. There are times when not having a keyboard is a huge ache. People mention CAD files. Even there, sometimes you're much better off being able to tap in coordinates quickly on a keyboard than trying to drag and drop with a mouse. Sometimes the mouse is better. Sometimes you want the environment to be distraction-free, and a kind of single app device with just a screen works fine. There are many contexts, and I think the form factors exist because they suit these different contexts. The form factors which don't want to exist, I think the market will find it votes them out because they're just as useful as a pair of jam trousers.

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