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Comment Who cares? (Score 1) 76

Since when did slashdot become a fucking tabloid? Just because the guy in question is notable for his connection to Microsoft doesn't mean we should give a running, leaping, twisting, gyrating fuck about him buying a sports team. What is he going to do, turn the players into programmers? It's not important that we be aware of every time someone related to technology farts or coughs.

Comment This is just silly (Score 3, Insightful) 107

How many ways is this ridiculous? In the summary alone, you have quite a lot of nonsense. First, they brag about secure software. Your software is supposed to be secure, especially for something like this. You don't get bonus points because you thought about security where weapons were concerned. That's like bragging about not shitting your pants. Of course their security software is designed to prevent hacking - that's the point. Then you have the mathematical proof, which is just a fancy way of saying they ran a code analysis tool and their software totes doesn't have buffer overflow vulnerabilities, guys! If they really got fancy with it, maybe they could test it against real life security penetration testers, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Comment Reeks of a terrible article (Score 2) 116

We have some lovely elements coming together right here on the slashdot blurb:

1. Stupid pun instead of a descriptive title
2. Full caps in the article excerpt
3. Trying to bring up coding "culture"
4. Assertion that it totally could have been caught beforehand, but they aren't sure exactly how.

Somehow, I don't think I'm missing much by not reading the article.

You've Got Male: Amazon's Growth Impacting Seattle Dating Scene 315

reifman (786887) writes "San Francisco's gender imbalance is so bad that a startup recently proposed flying women in from New York City for dates. But, if you're a straight male thinking of moving to Seattle to work in technology, think again. Seattle's gender ratio is even more imbalanced and it's about to get much worse for men. Amazon is building out enough space to employ 5% of the city population and its workforce is 75 percent male. By the end of 2014, Seattle will have 130 single men for every 100 single women."

Comment America baffles me (Score 1) 664

In Taiwan, I can go to the cops and say I lost my phone. They'll ask me to help them backtrack where I've been. Since most businesses and apartment buildings have security cameras, they can usually catch it on camera. Most phone thefts happen here because someone dropped their phone and someone else picked it up, then took out the SIM card. Also, people generally show security camera footage to cops without a warrant if they're looking for a lost phone. So they put the pieces together for me, pick the guy up, and get my phone back. Meanwhile, in the states, you hand them the location and they tell you to go fuck yourself. What the hell is wrong with your country?

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