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Comment Re:Why do I need a license for ANY car? (Score 1) 362

Driving a vehicle falls well within the regulatory bounds of commerce

No, it does not. Not any more than walking does. Commercial driving today requires commercial licenses and that might be acceptable... But pleasure driving — taking kids to see grandma? No way...

Unfortunately, Chief Justice Marshall disagreed with you. Traffic falls under commerce just as much as trade. Take it up with SCOTUS if you have an issue.

Since you don't have anything to support your claims, and SCOTUS ruled that traffic is regulate-able commerce over 200 years ago, there's nothing left to rebut here.

Comment Re:Why do I need a license for ANY car? (Score 1) 362

No, certainly not. The 10th amendment deals with that. But to protect something so vehemently, you usually need a bigger piece of collateral than the 10th amendment.

States have the right to regulate commerce within their state, and Congress the right to regulate interstate commerce. Driving a vehicle falls well within the regulatory bounds of commerce, and can easily be argued within the government's domain of regulation, and not a unilateral right of the citizen.

So, I'll ask again. Do you have anything that supports your claims?

Comment Re:I wouldn't buy a purely autonomous car, ever. (Score 1) 362

Funny, I find the opposite. I'm most alert when I'm driving in the city, with plenty of action around me. I may not like it as much, but it keeps me alert.

I have trouble staying focused (and awake) on long trips of over an hour outside of city limits. Driving the 2+ hours between my college town and parents' house when I was at school was awful. Driving the 8 hours from home to my relatives' house in the next state is murder.

Comment Re:It's like asking (Score 1) 362

IMHO the invention of the mouse "by apple" spawned one of the darkest ages of humanity: noob computing. The mouse enabled people to (ab-)use computers without having the least bit of insight -- enabling stupidities like facebook, X11, or slashdot beta.

And Anonymous Cowards posting drivel in Slashdot comments.

Comment Re:"Promise a future where we can sip cocktails" (Score 0) 362

I trust a computer malfunction more than I trust a human malfunction. A computer can't get into the car drunk or high. It doesn't feel 'under the weather' or tired. It's not affected by the weaving motorist in the next lane, or the tailgater that raises your anxiety levels.

Can it malfunction? Sure. Can it get a virus? Oh yes, and there will be vectors for attack, just like every other computer.

But the actual, statistical probability that you will experience any of these problems? Far, far less than your current danger on the roads.

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