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Comment Re:Say it with me now (Score 1) 30

Copy that! trueSpace was awesome for its time and despised whaat MS did to the application (I was a commercial user). However, Microsoft is a very different beast and the times are very different. If MS is held to contributor rather than arbiter, then maybe a good thing. I used to run Cinema until it got too expensive to maintain for what I use the medium for weighed properly by the features of blender. We shall see...

Comment Not just Pelosi (Score -1, Troll) 163

This whole quagmire from the democrats is disgusting. Two steps or so away from Marshall Law and they got to play games at their constituents expense. I think a more appropriate label (everyone loves labels these days, so I join) for the democrats could be HypoCrats. This is far beyond partisan bickering. It is morally wrong and they chose to take that path. Interestingly enough, has anyone heard of a Republican or Independent injecting nonsense into a bill to mitigate a crisis situation? I haven't and enough said. Stay safe and healthy slashdotters...

Comment do study.citizen(); (Score 0) 19

I have been watching all of the chatter about how we are doing things differently like talking on the phone, higher internet bandwidth utilization, managing social distancing, etc. I just feel like we are being studied for something else. I don't know why but I do. Never have we been, in my lifetime of course (50+), this close to Marshall Law than we are now. State governors to mandate shelter in place, stay home, making travel illegal for "non-essentials" (I am actually one of them) and the like. My imagination is incredible and it's times like these where truth may be stranger than fiction (fake news). I am doing well thus far, but my optimism is fading quickly. On the flip side, if it weren't for the internet and these delivery services that have popped up over the last decade or two, what would this look like? And, I still would like an explanation about the run on TP. Really? You might think TheraFlu or something like that but toilet paper!?!?

Comment Own? (Score 0) 99

It is becoming far too common that an individual doesn't own anything. Even your half a million dollar house is not yours. Your car is not yours. Your software has never been yours. Privacy is not yours. Now paperclips have a EULA. Just kidding but you certainly see where I am going with this.

Comment Fight please! (Score 1) 162

Just like most things surrounding technology, the lure of information is just too great. This has caused and will continue to cause further deterioration of any notion of individual privacy. Russia, perhaps not such a big deal but let's not forget we are a global economy with many cultural challenges that this is a huge part of. If Russia can and does do it, it is only a matter of time the justification comes in countries that, on the surface, seem to value privacy rights. I call this the lowest common denominator.

Comment Lazy (Score 1) 32

In all likely hood, these free wheeling sites do not care about stale, fake, or manipulative accounts. Just like one long time friend of mine said, "You know why I am a programmer? I'm lazy." Only now that we have evidence in one form or another that bad actors are using these mechanisms to practice new aggressive forms of propaganda, are these being addressed. On the other hand, this really does threaten free speech as Americans know it. The challenge is that other foreign bad actors do not share this great responsibility being American. It's up to us to be aware, question and make our opinions based diligence rather than laziness. After all, an actor is nothing without an audience.

Comment Technology NE civil liberties (Score 1) 102

I have been concerned about this topic for some time, even predating "AI" I hate marketing monikers such as AI, the Cloud, even free. Lord, the stuff that was supposed to free us to express, explore, and grow appears destined to become the very thing that suppresses people and cultures. The Have's and the Have Not's of the modern age. Now you introduce national governments to the equation, obviously slow on the up take over commercial endeavors, and they seem to think they own everyone and everything, spending untold amounts of money gathering, monitoring, and judging information on everyone. The overall speed and depth of technology adoption without regard to potentials will be the bain of societies around the globe. Take China for example. First social credit score, abuse of the Uyghurs, and now and again life imitating art with Minority Report and "Pre-Crime." One could start to argue the difference in a technological world between China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, US, UK and many other competing philosophies of governing is anymore very vague. Not to mention scary as hell.

Comment Trust (Score 1) 27

Why is it that it seems every organization that has a piece of telling others of our trustworthiness is screwed up in their own right? Perhaps they should be as forgiving as we are forced to be forgiving of them. Equifax will recover unfortunately and as vulnerable as they are now, just wait until the smoke clears. It is likely to happen again. The Ivy league educated managers don't give a **** about what makes them run; it's all about making money and attracting investors. They are selfish and it shows. Sure blame the systems administrator for not applying a patch, which should have been done by now, yet another breach. Poor management is to blame IMHO not the IT guy(s)/gal(s). I bet money, not really, that not applying the patch(es) was a management call...

Comment Brilliant POS (Score 1) 459

I am being very sarcastic. When reading this article I wanted to see what this pr*ck looked like. Much to my surprise I was not disappointed. He looks like a 40 year old version of Martin Shkreli. Sometimes I don't know how people can live with themselves let alone manage anatomically challenging self-fulfillment. Really sad side of reality and it only gets worse. Sorry, folks this makes me sick for those who have to have this life saving "device" as it is put. Out...

Comment ID10Ts (Score 2) 189

Really? So, they are completely illustrating that their IT efforts are a "cost center" and that IT is a "necessary evil" that they provide minimal effort to. Everyone knows that a serious "Data Center" has multiple protective measures in place, so who is this service provider? I wonder how they treat their aircraft? This is so blatantly obvious it hurts those who know IT. Forget about the outsourcing questions.

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