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Comment Re:One thing came to mind (Score 1) 153

<quote><p>Some of that braking energy can be recaptured and re-used in electric and hybrid vehicles.</p>:</quote>

Yeah, a test was done by a radio station on a smaller electric car driving driving close to it's max range and .... arriving at the end, unable to go too fast because this would use up too much battery resource, then needing to recharge, all the recharge stations were occupied. Another possibility would have been going into a parking-garage but that would have cost an additional fee.

It all looks nice and great initially, the challenge is there.

If a larger number of cars would run on electricity, where would all the electric energy come from which is currently supplied by gas stations? Any estimates on size of infrastructure necessary to accomplish this on a significant scale? A few Tesla's running now, no apparent problem,

Comment One thing came to mind (Score 1) 153

I was recently in old Germany and drove a rental Fiat 500 in traffic there.
With that, one thing came to mind - vehicle weight.

To accelerate a vehicle to traffic speed, it takes a certain amount of energy or fuel depending on weight to put up to speed. Then, at a stop light, the vehicle comes to stop by breaking. The energy put this into speed is taken from burning fuel more or less efficiently. Then, when applying brakes all this kinetic energy is converted to heat.

Looking at the traffic here in the US compared to DE, there are many more larger vehicles - SUV type - running than there. So, just by looking at a vehicle weight and compare larger "tanks" to smaller gigs, the difference is maybe double - 1 ton to 2 tons, and with it the environmental impact.

Seems bigger is better but much more impact on environment.... any awareness present on that?

Comment 100+ tons of fuel? (Score 1) 171

Once upon a time I flew from Europe to US and then it was named the amount of fuel used on this trip which quite amazed me because that's quite an unimaginable amount. Seemingly, those kind of announcements are no longer happening...

Sure, if it would be a flight over land and one would look at driving individual cars over the same distance, maybe it would be using more fuel than a plane moving the same amount of passenger - dunno though, have not checked...

One thing is for sure, for an object heavier than air, up-force to stay in the air needs to be constantly created by air flowing over airplane wings creating it and probably that's costlier on the environment compared to many rolling rubber-wheels on asphalt.

Not sure if one can get a straight and correct answer on this at this point beause ... too many $$'s at stake. Just look at the cigarette cancer story, how that addiction was and still is handled - vaporing - and now it seems to be discovered to be harmful... Isn't one of our best assets, staying healthy, sold out for profit or stupidity of people in "charge" against people's well-being????

Same probably goes for particle exhaust from black exhaust belching diesel-trucks or coal-running pickup-driver-idiots!

Actually a neverending story what would be better than what is.. but where will it end in, let's say a coupe of centuries?

Incompetence, inconsequence and personal corruption could be another cause on thos oddtites... ..

Comment Who is behind this? (Score 1) 249

Power greedy and controlling individuals feeling they don't have enough of those two properties...

On every side!

Is there something in human chromosomes leftover from primeval times forcing this type of voracious behavior having to follow this insatiable urge?

Look at the top honchos - what drives them to behave in that manner?

What a nonsense game...

Comment With this... (Score 1) 256

if it really happens, the barrier between have - and have-nots increases significantly and the drop-outs, who either cannot (for a magnitude of reasons) or won't participate on this game.

You see, if you look, folks on street corners holding up signs and whole camps of people collecting in certain corners of cities manifesting a sub-culture.

Problem with all of this is that on one point, the efficiency of the current capitalistic = exploitative system will be unable to sustain itself and collapse.
Propaganda (religion) helps by blame and make one appear at the passing line (just look at traffic) - you are doing something wrong and deserve it, no compassion or empathy is playing a role in this game.

Why would you be nice to a person, just think, would this person be nice to you? (so spoken by someone in my vehicle when I allowed a pedestrian pass at an intersection)

Comment Re:It should be mentioned (Score 1) 263

> It should be mentioned that for most people, the real problem is that they have to use these things at all, when the IRS already knows all the info.

From where to you get this?
A few examples:
- Medical expenses
- Donations to charity ...

You think IRS has ALL records of that? Maybe NSA in Utah???

Comment Re:SAD - Standard American Diet (Score 1) 60

<quote><p>Nice that you have the cause of and solution to one of this disease, have you published your scientific findings yet? We're all waiting. /s</p></quote>

Another one:

Have you experienced a person close to you going through this until the very end, and what that does that to you?

Me thinks this would drive the smart-assy-ness right out of you!

Comment Re:SAD - Standard American Diet (Score 1) 60

<quote><p>Nice that you have the cause of and solution to one of this disease, have you published your scientific findings yet? We're all waiting. /s</p></quote>

Steven Masley "The better brain solution"

The knowledge is there, is something changing?

Here is another one for you:

Over 20 years ago, a book "The heat is on" was written by Ross Gelbspan about global warming and the denial about it.
In this book, it was outlined that the warming itself is not so much the issue but the increased energy in the system causing more dynamic and extremes - storms, floods droughts etc.

The knowledge is there, is something changing?

I'd say system failure, red light flashing - ooonk ooonk oonk,
somewhere in the basement....

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