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Comment Re:Betting lines (Score 1) 67

I know that's how bookies work, but I figured putting real money on the line would help ensure accuracy because it would help people take it seriously, that plus a large sample size.
Sports betting does have some skill in trying to figure out if the bookies/betting public are wrong, as opposed to some other forms of gambling being complete chance, but I don't want to put too much stock in trying to beat the system. Ironically, trying to beat the system could just encourage gambling, exactly what the system wants.

Comment Re:excellent choice (Score 1) 735

I haven't read them in awhile, perhaps this gives me reason to read them again.

Alas, as some other commenters have pointed out, VII isn't going to be an adaptation of an existing story. May the Force be with the writers, since this seemed like such an obvious idea.

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