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Submission + - What's coming into the public domain in 2024 ( 1

Bruce66423 writes: Along with some of the items that will be available, there's also a discussion of the history of the law, along with criticism from economists who argue that it gives almost no income to the copyright owners, but does postpone the creativity that often bursts into new life when the copyright expires.

Submission + - Polish train manufacturer DRM's trains ( 2

Askmum writes: Polish train manufacturer NEWAG has put DRM in the software of their trains which detects if a train has been serviced at a third party site and which will lock the train, preventing it from being used, giving bogus error codes. An unlock procedure was present in the software but has been subsequently removed.

Submission + - Source Code to Infocom's Text Adventure Interpreters Now Available

Mononymous writes: Back in 2019, digital archivist Jason Scott released the source code to Infocom's classic text adventures. Now the other piece of the puzzle is available: the source code (mostly in assembly, with some C and Pascal) to their microcomputer interpreters.

Infocom, publisher of the best-selling Zork series, ported their text adventures to most of the diverse microcomputer platforms of the 1980s by using an early virtual machine, known as the Z-machine or ZIP. This enabled them to sell games simultaneously for everything from the TI-99/4A to the Commodore 128. Hobbyists reverse-engineered the technology in the 1990s to create modern implementations, but now the original source code can be studied directly.

Comment Re:Microsoft realizing Windows 10 is here to stay (Score 1) 59

It's a couple if registry keys to allow Win11 to install without TPM or on an older CPU.
Lowest effort solution there is to download Win11 ISO from MS and use Rufus [ ] to make an installer thumb drive.
I've got a spare 2012-vintage ThinkPad x230 here that handles Win11 just fine. (i7-3520M, 16 GB DDR3, SATA SSD).

Comment Re:Powershell removal? (Score 2) 59

I've seen this installed, and I only have local logins. Microsoft is ignoring the customer's wishes anyway - I had to uninstall Edge from my mom's computer (which was confusing her greatly) and she does not even have an admin account and thus no way to ever have installed it herself. The half assed half wits in Redmond all claim that they know more than you do about what's good for their bottom line.

Grrreat... thanks again, Microsoft. Any rate, now that I've had a minute to look further, there's a per-user toggle to disable in gpedit.

gpedit -> User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Copilot > Disable Windows Copilot
and the associated reg key,
reg add HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsCopilot /v TurnOffWindowsCopilot /t reg_dword /d 1

(key via via
Per link, it would apparently be asking FAR too much for an option to globally disable Copilot, but I guess that's what Enterprise/LTSC is for. Grrrr.
My one Win11 install does not currently have Copilot showing, so can't test. And, again, I believe it is not reasonable to expect MS documentation to be either complete or accurate anymore.

Comment Re:Powershell removal? (Score 5, Informative) 59

Oh, good. Now I know I'll be spending some time trying to dig this out at the roots. Perhaps that'll work, or perhaps I can just toggle it to an "off" state. And perhaps my choice will be utterly ignored in future updates. In any case: DO. NOT. WANT.

As of yesterday, my understanding is that you must use a Microsoft account login to get copilot functionality. Local login and you'll never see it.
Expect this to change without notice or documentation update ... whenever.

For now, this *should* do the trick if MS documentation isn't outdated or just plain lying again.

# Disallow login via MS account, require local login
# 1 = can't add MS account, 3 = can't add or log in with MS account
reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v NoConnectedUser /t reg_dword /d 3
# Disallow switching from local to MS account
reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\Settings\AllowYourAccount /v Value /t reg_dword /d 0
# Disable MS account sign-in assistant
reg add HKLM\ystem\CurrentControlSet\Services\wlidsvc /v Start /t reg_dword /d 4

Reboot after.

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