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Comment Re: Speed v.s. reliability (Score 2) 114

It would be nice if all the tunables

You seem to be under the impression that the stuff I mentioned are or could be "tunables" -- they are based on specific conditions of a specific rendering scenario, cannot be discerned at runtime without a performance hit, etc.. determined by extensive profiling and statistics gathering, not your imaginary "tunable parameters"

It seems to me that you are quite far afield of your expertise to not know that determining if an edge of a polygon needs to be anti-aliased is something "tunable" - as if the end user is going to be presented with a list of several million polygon edges and enable and disable anti-aliasing on them individually..

I wonder why you bothered opening your mouth at all

Comment Re:Speed v.s. reliability (Score 4, Insightful) 114

Speed increases may be sacrificing some reliability or cutting some corners.

Probably mostly corner cutting.

Don't need the 16x anisotropic shader if the texture isnt viewed from an extreme angle, or if the texture hasnt much high frequency detail, ...
Don't need the 16x antialiasing filter on edges of a polygon that connects seamlessly to another polygon, etc...

These two alone could be huge

Comment Re:Absolutely (Score 1) 351

I was talking about how we determine what benefits society or not

Did you miss the whole mutually beneficial part of free markets?

You think this is "economics of advertising" when its just "economics" -- economics is the thing that tells you what is beneficial and what isn't -- its that whole efficient allocation of resources thing that flusters those that dont even understand what subject they are really talking about, but want to pontificate about it anyways.

Comment Re:Absolutely (Score 1) 351

You know, the thing about free trade is that when people are free to trade they only do so when they believe that it is beneficial for them to do so.

Viewing advertising is just another kind of cost. Its still trade.

The upshot is that so long as people are free to trade then trades are generally mutually beneficial. The advertiser wins, and the consumer playing that "free" game or watching that "free" program wins. They both win. Its win-win.

Not a zero sum game. The idea that society might lose is ultimately based on the notion that economies are zero sum games, but they aren't. They never have been. They never will be. The idea not only isn't right, its not possible for it to be right.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 398

If the only difference is in opportunities in life for training...

Not only is that not the only difference, you ignored the one he specifically mentioned and showcased, which was cultural differences.

Why did you ignore it? I know why.

because you would look like a real fucking asshole if you went on about how the solution to the problem of diversity is changing peoples cultural differences.

No, I take that back... you wouldnt look like a fucking asshole.. you would look like a fucking racist asshole.

Comment Re:Bias... (Score 1) 155

Some people recognize the benefit of having the government involved in regulating certain markets.

Yeah but this guy in particular wants the government to regulate every market, completely.

Dont make excuses for him. Don't try to downplay it. His belief system is based on the notion that the government rules and fuck individualism.

Comment Re:This is not about people with disabilities (Score 1, Troll) 155

Why are you blathering on about public transport when the discussion is about private business?

Oh, I get it. You think that there shouldnt be any private business. You wont admit it of course, but anyone that takes a look at your posting history will see that its true. You do not believe in free enterprise, private property rights, nor the liberty of ordinary people.

You only assign liberty to government. Fuck off.

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