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Comment Re:The good ol' days (Score 1) 272

Many of the games that come out now have really amazing visuals/graphics/etc, but they all lack something the old classics had. What that something is, I'm not sure. I miss Sierra games with things like Police Quest, Kings Quest, The Island of Dr. Brain. Then you had other games like Hugo: House of horrors and Hugo 2: Who done it? Dune and Dune 2. Their graphics where horrid, but those games were a blast to play. I don't know why, but those older games just seem to have more character and spirit then the games that come out now. Don't get me wrong, there are good games that come out every year, but it seems like a majority of the games coming out now are just the same things rehashed over and over with better graphics and slight variations in the story line. It's almost like the gaming industry has homogenized somewhat. Want to make a FPS, just remake Halo or CoD. Want to make an open world game, just remake GTA,. What to make an RPG, remake Final Fantasy, Kings Quest or Elder Scrolls. Again, don't misunderstand, there are games that come out that do not follow this form such as Dear Esther or Portals and are awesome. I am simply talking the gaming industry as a whole, it way different then what it used to be. The indie game scene, however, seems to be pumping out some pretty awesome stuff these days.

A lot of modern games (especially the so-called 'AAA' games) are missing a soul. They're paint-by-numbers rehashes of what's worked before (shameless plug).

Comment Re:Need a classic option for seasoned users (Score 1) 1191

Why would you want to read part of a lengthy discussion, maybe even participate, and then come back to the discussion a few minutes or hours later and easily be able to check new comments or even replies to your comments? That's crazy talk.

No, no. When you get to a busy discussion, clicking "Load more comments" and praying that it loaded the comment you replied to, or your own comments. That feels right. Slashdot should feel like work, since we're all browsing it from work anyway.


Submission + - Codweavers Flock The Vote Challenge (codeweavers.com)

basscomm writes: "Back in 2008 Codeweavers extended a challenge to then-president Bush: if he could get gas prices in the Twin Cities to below $2.79 a gallon, they'd give their software away free for a day. He did, and they did.

Four years later, Codeweavers has pledged that if 100,000 users (anywhere on the planet) pledge to vote they'll once again give away their software for free."

Comment Re:just stating the obvious (Score 2) 615

Meta moderation - you'll get there one day if you're a good little "dotter" and keep your karma up =) .

I guess you haven't Meta Moderated in a while. That's not really how it works any more, it seems, and hasn't for some time. Instead of deciding whether a moderation is fair or unfair, you decide on whether a comment is good or bad.

Comment Re:It's all about giving to the community (Score 4, Informative) 663

"Top notch" might be overstating it a bit, there are still a few instances where they seem to be lacking. For instance, Windows users who have SLI and multiple monitors have been able to enable SLI and use both of their monitors at the same time since about 2008. But under Linux, no dice.

So if I had two monitors (which I do), and two Nvidia GPUs in SLI mode (which I do), and I wanted to run some 3D app that took advantage of SLI, I would have to: reconfigure X to disable my second monitor and enable SLI, restart X, play the game/use the app I wanted, when I was done I would have to reconfigure X again to enable my second monitor and disable SLI, restart X again, and reopen all my apps. Hardly ideal.

Comment Re:Next: (Score 1) 578

You pay the same as netflix, but get ads anyway?

This gets brought up all the time, and I'm not sure I understand it. Why would you pay for a thing that will still expose you to ads? Like any number of websites on the internet? What about radios? Magazines? Newspapers? Or good ol' cable television? A lot of people are willing to put up with the ads on Hulu because it provides what they want: the ability to watch a lot of current shows on their own schedule. Heck, the free version provides limited access in exchange for you watching ads, which seems like a fair trade to me.

Sure, you could use a DVR to get roughly the same thing (watching things on your own schedule), but you still have to wait until they air, make sure the DVR recorded it, that it's not full, and if you want to catch up on something, you have to wait until the repeats are aired again. Or you could go to Hulu and dive through that show's archive. At your convenience. From almost any place in the US with a broadband connection to the Internet. All nice and legal. Even with commercials that's hugely convenient.

Netflix and Amazon Prime Instant Video are great options, too, since they don't show commercials. But they don't have complete overlap with each other, and aren't quite as current, and I might miss out on some first-run stuff like Game of Thrones until those boneheads get their licensing / DVD releases straightened out, but I can wait. Paying for all three is still cheaper and more convenient than all but the most basic traditional cable subscription in my neck of the woods, and I have access to enough stuff that I can find something to watch, when the urge strikes me, for the foreseeable future.

Comment Re:Next: (Score 1) 578

services like Hulu, Netflix and Amazon could do a better job of making sure you DO watch the advertisements..

Hulu started making their "hey, we can't show you a commercial, please turn off your ad-blocker" message longer than the commercial would have been in its place, so I acquiesced... I'm weak.

Comment Re:FAIL (Score 1) 339

Through all the ownership changes, etc. over the 14 years I've read /., this is the first time I've had a real panic over the fate of the site.

If this is the first time you've had panic over the fate of the site, you haven't been paying attention. At the very least, the departure of the site's founder should have been a giant red flag. But, sadly, this is another milestone in the slow, steady decline of Slashdot.

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