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Comment Not as impressive as the video makes it look (Score 1) 76

I've done a little bit of work in a related area, so I skimmed the paper (at the bottom of the first link,) and it's nowhere near as impressive and automagical as the video makes it seem. The user has to provide a mask distinguishing the object they are manipulating from the rest of the image, and then the user also has to provide the 3D model for the object! The model is then smoothed to better fit the original using the mask and the inferred illumination, textured using the image, and then popped out to be manipulated in 3D. Not to detract from how cool this all is, but the user is still doing a lot of the heavy lifting.

I bet a combination of the techniques in this paper and the techniques of multiple view geometry (which is where I've actually done a bit of work) would be considerably more impressive and automagical.

Comment Re:sega channel (Score 1) 75

God, I wanted Sega Channel so much as a kid. All my friends at school had it, but I lived out in the sticks, where there wasn't cable.

Anyone else remember sega channel for sega genesis? i think 11.99 got me unlimited games on it for the month (granted i only recall 5-8 games on it at a time, and they would rotate every month) Seems like a much better price structure to me. 9.99 a month to play whatever limited rotating catalog is there

You pretty much just described Playstation+. Except it's $49.99 a year (or the $9.99 a month option if you're silly,) and although games are rotated out monthly, once they've been added to your account you can still download and play them as long as you're a member. If I were so inclined, I could go download and play a game that they rotated out of the service two years ago.

Comment App stores compete with the 3DS (Score 1) 203

Nintendo must also contend with mobile games available on Apple and Google's app stores, which cost but a fraction of a Nintendo game.

Very few console gamers are buying cell phone games in favor of console games. Where Nintendo is competing with app stores is with its 3DS handheld, not really with the Wii U. I'm sure that's still contributing to the big N posting losses, but the summary makes it sound like Mario Kart 8 is losing out to Crappy Mobile Minecraft Clone no. 873.

Comment Peer pressure? (Score 1) 158

My completely anecdotal non-scientific evidence is that girls interested in math, science, and tech were mostly discouraged by their peers. Communities to support girls and women pursuing tech are great and all, but I feel like for a lot of girls it's going to come down to one very simple question: do I get new hobbies, or do I get new friends? It wouldn't surprise me if a majority of girls choose the latter.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe things have changed since the decade or so since I was a high school student. Maybe it really was just my high school. But my suspicion is that this is still common, and ChickTech is going to have to find a way to solve the peer pressure problem.

Comment So? (Score 5, Insightful) 281

He's also Tweeted about a noodle dish called yakisoba and Japanese transportation systems. Andreas Antonopoulos, the CSO with Blockchain says, "He continues to be oblivious about his own failure and the pain he has caused others. He is confirming that he is a self-absorbed narcissist with an inflated sense of self-confidence who has no remorse."

Sounds to me like he's just using Twitter the same way everyone else uses Twitter. Why does tweeting about yakisoba make him a remorseless narcissist? He may be that, but regardless Twitter isn't the best venue for heartfelt apologies. I bet he also failed to take responsibility for Mt Gox last time he sent a text or wrote a sticky note.

Comment Re:Sometimes one story is enough... (Score 3, Interesting) 66

I got much the same out of Flowers when I first read it in middle school, and also learned a little about what sorts of things can make a good book. It was the first book I ever enjoyed in which the protagonist made questionable decisions, experienced things that never got explained, and didn't save the world. Charlie was the first character I encountered that I can recall who acted like a person and had nuances. It really broadened my horizons.

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