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Comment Re:Identity? (Score 2) 212

The amount of identity verification required is very small. StartSSL is fully compliant and included in browsers by default, but it's very simple and takes only a few minutes online.

Bob DeHacker isn't going to be able to get an accepted cert for a MITM attack for a major company. Really, these days, the only thing that lights up the address bar green is EV-SSL. Your standard HTTPS site just puts in a tiny padlock in the address bar. And nobody's going to buy a certificate for a MITM attack on a site that's not big enough to be buying an EV-SSL certificate.

Comment Re:Put the glasses on, stupid. (Score 1) 200

There are human-level brain simulations being worked on, but I haven't been following them closely. I don't think they're implementing everything. Actually, I know they aren't because we keep discovering new things. Are they working off and standard model of the human brain or a specific person's brain?

Oh, you know. It'll be just like the Nintendo 64 emulators. You start with an HLE instruction set and work your way to cycle accurate. Before you know it, we'll be playing commercial humans.

Comment Re:What is the Next High Bandwidth Tech? (Score 1) 223

That's because they're probably going to remove the channels that were reserved for DOCSIS 2 at a later time and use it for more overcompressed digital HD or ppv channels.

And even if your DOCSIS 2 modem is capable of that speed, that speed is shared among everyone on your node. The maximum capacity for your node is the DOCSIS 2 speed limit. Not just for you.

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I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
