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Comment Re:Not putting in DRM isn't going to eliminate DRM (Score 1) 351

So "the last thing" we want is to let ________ people have access to culture and education

This more or less describes my understanding of every human conflict in recorded history. I don't know why some people are so hell-bent to reduce the quality of life for others, especially in a society which would see a net increase to everyone's standard of living if we took care of the poor and vulnerable. I suppose it could just an instinctual us-or-them mentality; which isn't to say it's justifiable, but all people engage in the struggle between instinct and reason so it's at least understandable.

Comment Re:The Only Surprising portion of the revelation.. (Score 2) 536

Then you need to state that in your original statement in order to have any credibility. Otherwise, you just come off as a knee jerk partisan hack.

Hatta remarked on a few of our most prominent national war criminals. The fact that they're all Republican wasn't anywhere in his post; nor was it relevant. Turn off "fair" and "balanced" reporting (which includes virtually all network news, I feel compelled to add) and try to understand that some things in this world are simply true, and all the spin and fake balance in the world won't change that.

"Opinions differ on shape of World" type reporting is the death of reason and understanding.

Comment Re:Acceptable (Score 1, Insightful) 333

Way to move the goal posts down to where the straw man is. Another reason I don't usually respond to people like you. Sorry your feelings got hurt, broseph. I'm constantly told I should hate myself for different reasons, and I don't care for it either. The advice I hear most often is to suck it up, cupcake.

Your original point was to dispute that geeks are more tolerant of gays. The only evidence you provided was your own incredulity. Then you changed the topic to how you're persecuted for your beliefs and declared victory. You're a huge hypocrite, and that bugs me no matter who you vote for.

Comment Re:Acceptable (Score 2) 333

Where are these crazy entitlement posts even coming from? You may not realize it, but this game was marketed towards the gay community before release - but they never put the work into the design. That's why it's so technically difficult to hack it in now. Get it? It was just a bunch of bull. That makes people mad. If this was about feature X instead of feature Gay, you wouldn't hear about entitlements or special interests.

This is like the black thing with Obama all over again. People are afraid to face their internalized hate of some group or another, and so they rationalize this kind of oblique discrimination. Look, we're all a little xenophobic - it's cool. But work on it, okay? Because it really feels like shit to be treated this way. And feeling like shit feels like shit! Which, if you've ever felt like shit, you know.

Comment Re:Acceptable (Score 0, Flamebait) 333

Every group thinks theyre more insightful, wiser, and generally more intellectually mature than everyone else

Less judgmental about sexual orientation is what I said, and nothing in your informative post leads me to conclude that nerd culture is less comfortable with gays than pop culture. As for feeling judged for being a conservative on slashdot, I have to tell you that I personally don't judge you for being a conservative, but if your post is any indication I DO judge you as reactionary and willing to warp logic and ignore facts to soothe hurt pride, or whatever your particular issue is. Now I know that's a kind of intellectual fad with conservatives right now, so maybe you just thought you were being judged for your politics when it was really because you come off as kind of a jerk. I admit that I am intolerant of jerks, but I'm not ashamed of it.

Comment Re:Companions? (Score 1) 333

Actually, this is a brilliant point. A friend who bought the game with me for release had mixed feelings about gay content, but what really bothered him was constantly feeling like he was "supposed" to be hitting on all the women he came across. He wanted a toggle for NPCs flirting with him, because they were never cute guys and he'd rather just not have it at all.

A feature like this would have been a good way to plan for future inclusion of gay content, instead of the ways they did prepare, like by... um... promising to do something? Actually, it's clear now that they did zero to prepare for this. The technical problems they're facing are proof of that. It was all just EA doubleplus marketspeak, and that's the real problem here.

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