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Comment Re:Is this news for anyone? (Score 2) 165

Only if your very confident that B will never ever get it's input from anywhere else, or that if it happen, the "anywhere else" will also properly check it's input. Oh, and you should know for sure that A will never change and suddenly spit something that B won't accept. Better document your code, and hope that the future maintainer will actually read what you wrote.
In large, long-lived project, these assumptions are all hard to make.

Comment Re:"because it originated from the wireless networ (Score 0) 547

As for bomb threats c'mon if you manage to pull it off its funny. I remember in mid eighties when real bombs were going off in Paris, some joker phoned our school with a bomb threat. The result ? Every kid got to have an early day off. Was the guy ever catched ? Nope. You could say it was incompetence from the french cops. But who knows. It was pre internet, it was pre everything. And no surveillance society either.

Yeah, you might want to take some vacation, far away, and fast.

Comment Re:Poor man's TRIM (Score 1) 135

Because the drive itself have no concept of filesystem, and wouldn't know what some specific patterns means. A sector full of only 0xFF might mean "I don't need this anymore" as well as "this file have a sector worth of 0xFF stored there". So, no way for the drive to know where there is actual unused space.
Using trim, the FS/OS/whatever's on the line can tell the drive "ok, this part I don't need anymore, go play with it" in a non-ambiguous way.

Comment Re:Fuck yeah (Score 5, Funny) 161

but you don't understand, peoples *have* to use google. I've seen it, if you don't use google's services, someone come at your house, put a loaded gun on the side of your head, and whisper softly in your ear "would you kindly log yourself into our services?".
Or maybe not, my memory is fuzzy on the details.

Comment Re:strange (Score 4, Insightful) 161

The CNIL (a French agency checking privacy issues on internet) is almost powerless: they can barely "suggest" stuff to be done, maybe, once every new moon, even on France-only related issues. They can't propose laws or impose anything on anyone. I believe google is well aware of their power and responded adequatly :-)

Not saying that nothing should be done on the issue, but it won't work at such a small scale.

Comment Isn't it mostly dosbox ? (Score 5, Insightful) 124

I was under the impression that a lot of the old games are merely dos version packaged with dosbox. I know I use some game I got from GoG under linux, just unpacking it and launching it "by hand".
Am I missing something? I don't see how hard it would be to just package the same thing with a linux version of dosbox...

Comment Re:Yes, we get it. (Score 3, Insightful) 159

Linux IS a good platform for games. As said, you can see what's happening at every level, which mean no need to workaround weird unexpected behaviors and stuff.
Linux isn't a good platform for some game developpers, because of the small user base. But for Valve, aside from the initial work of porting their Source engine, it only means more reach. Having the engine already work on macs probably helped a lot. And if great games start to be available on Linux (and I mean more than one AAA game per year, at most), it might also leverage the linux presence.
Giving the user the choice is the only sensible choice for people working with their brains, and Valve's pretty good at it.

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