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Comment 1000 more datacenters? (Score 3, Informative) 246

Yes, OMB changed what they consider a "datacenter" - previous Datacall regarded anywhere that had 5 servers, a switch, and a router as a datacenter. Now they've lowered the bar to (3 Servers) -or- (1 server + 1 switch) -or- (1 switch + 1 router) -or- (1 server + 1 router). Frankly, I'm surprised the number only roughly doubled, I would've thought there were a LOT more sites with a server, switch, router setup...

Comment Maybe if they paid closer to industry standard... (Score 3, Interesting) 156

Having seriously considered the positions in question from their open job postings, qualified applicants stand to make somewhere in the mid-$100k range in the private sector anywhere in the country, and closer to the $200k mark in the DC Metropolitan area (the 2nd highest cost of living allowance area in the country, right behind Denver, CO). Salary ranges offered are in the $60-83k starting mark. Offer a competitive wage, and you may just get qualified applicants.

Comment Re:The wrong market (Score 1) 257

"The failure on the part of the manufacturer of these fakes is that they shipped them to precisely the wrong market. Thousands of these puppies could have ended up in desktop computers and nobody would ever have known. The average consumer has no idea what's inside the case. Instead, though, the fakes end up at Newegg, where they get purchased by exactly the kind of people who can recognize them for what they are. It's almost like they were trying to get caught."

Subtle troll is subtle... Either that or you didn't even bother to RTFS and figure out that these things are not just fake, but totally non-functional. In which case, Obvious troll is obvious...

Comment Not another "pull Cat5 via Coax" Post (Score 1) 608

Would not recommend using the coax as a solder hack-job to RJ45 connectors. Running all new cabling is easy provided you have the proper tools (flashlight, fish tape/rod, box of cable, cordless drill, long drill bit 3/8-1/2" head, box of draw-string, and a helper)

Do yourself a big favor, and when you pull in your shiny new ethernet, tie in some drawstrings so you never have to repeat the process.

Comment Dropping mod rights to comment... (Score 1) 229

Just had to comment on this - quoting "I don't care a fat rat's ass about that track having some DRM on it. It plays ... on my iPod...) - so what happens when Company X puts out their iPod killer with all the features (patented and copyrighted of course) that you've GOT to have? You going to re-re-re-re-re-purchase all that music you have locked up in iTunes? When do you stop paying the distribution and racketeering arm to be able to play the same progression of tunes in slightly different formay Y?

Comment Alternatively... (Score 1) 226

If you can handle working for a US-based company, you can make the same amount on a 6-month engagement with Raytheon Polar division. Bonus for the US-ians out there, the pay is tax-free since you're in international space for 20 weeks and you spend 3 weeks on each side of that in Sunny New Zealand. Good luck to the Aussie gov't filling this position, though!

Comment Just what I needed! (Score 1) 142

Yet another port of a game I've already purchased 3 times! And for a system I don't own/can't afford! And the greatest foreseeable benefit? Now I can fat-finger my way to accidentally using my last megalixir instead of the Hi-Potion 2 items up in the item list! The joy!

that said, I'll probably still end up buying this version, too :(


Submission + - Sony Axes "UMD-to-PSP Go" Goodwill program.

Lookin4Trouble writes: "At the cost of what little consumer good will remains, Sony Computer Entertainment America has decided to axe the "UMD-to-PSP Go" Goodwill Program "...due to legal and technical reasons...". To add insult to injury, Sony Europe is making good on the Go Rewards program, offering 3 free games to European UMD owners, not available to customers outside of the European region. Engadget reports that 225 of the initial "at least 300" digital games will be offered at launch to the US market, at full retail price, even for those who currently own their legacy UMD copies, contrary to SCEA Spokesman John Koller's interview covered 4 months ago."

Comment Re:$514 fee to collect $514 reversal (Score 2, Informative) 309

2 replies up, I used my VISA card, and they refused to do jack-squat about it because the transaction was over international boundaries. Chargeback is a great option so long as the transaction is strictly in-country (as I initially believed this one to be), but all bets are off if the other side of the transaction is in another country.

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