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Comment Re:OK (Score 1) 203

I have an email address on there from an account that I canceled in November of 2012. The credentials that they do have for that account were never valid for logging in to that gmail account. Rather, those credentials were something I used on crappy sites which I didn't trust enough to put a decent password on.

*shrugs* This list is definitely not pulled from Google, or they would have the correct password for that account.

Comment Allergies (Score 1) 9

My allergic reaction to most cigarettes consists of a boring pain in my lower abdomen, a harsh burning sensation in my right nostril (why only the right? No clue), and finally a fit of sneezing. Made growing up with a family of smokers a real drag. ;) Though it has left me without an ounce of desire to smoke.

Anyhow, congratulations on the victory!

Comment Sounds Delicious. (Score 1) 2

I've never been able to drink many types of alcohol since an incident in my past where I was hung over badly, but it does sound really good. I bet something like that would be better than anything I could buy at a local shop. If I understand correctly, wine's aren't usually known for their high alcoholic content anyways, right? I'm not even an amateur on the on the topic, but that is what I have come to know from aggragated experiences anyways.

Good luck on the wine! Sounds like a much better use of time than my weekend (of frustration) trying (and failing) to set up radicale to use a database. Well, it wasn't that I failed to set up radicale to use a database, it just had so many SQL errors trying to use a database that I just had to fall back to using flat files. What a pain. I should just use openchange, but that has its own set of complications too. Just goes to show that taking time to do things like you are doing is probably good for sanities sake.

Comment Re: Uh... (Score 1) 362

Restore the directory from backups, proceed to `shutdown -h now`. Let me guess though, you don't have backups?

If the configuration is gone, and you have no backups, I could see a few paths to take from there:
1.) Reinstall systemd for starters, then figure out what is running on the system, download each of their packages (if necessary), extract only the systemd scripts into the systemd directory.
2.) Backup what information and configuration you need and perform a full reinstall.
3.) Write your own script to safely bring down your processes, unmount your filesystems and send a signal to the machine hardware to power down. :p

Deleting important files sucks, but hopefully you have learned your lesson. You can blame others for this issue if you like, but it doesn't help solve your problem at all.

Comment Re:Stallman would have something to say about this (Score 2) 488

Advocating doing something isn't evidence for having actually done something

Nobody's saying it is. It does strongly suggest that given the chance, you will do something, though. That's the concern here, that the defendant would either wipe his hard disk or publish his ex-employer's proprietary information. On multiple occasions in the past, he'd released internal company information after being advised not to, and violated written contracts with the company. The main factor in having the restraining order approved with no advance notice is that his website said that he'd be releasing source code to his own product "soon".

Well, your link doesn't actually point to any evidence that he "released internal company information after being advised not to". What it does say is that he recorded demonstration videos, applied through the proper channels for authorization to release those video to beta and alpha testers. After obtaining the limited authorization, he then posted the video on his site and youtube. The plaintiff alleges that he overstepped the limited authorization given on releasing these demonstration videos. This is the only occasion I am seeing, unless I am missing something, additionally, it seems more like a misunderstanding than anything else.

In fact, everything that the complaint alleges that he might have done illegally is referenced to as "On information and belief", yet no actual information is provided to support their beliefs. Contrary to their beliefs, they have actually painted Thuen as a law abiding citizen, by detailing all of the legal recourse he took in order to ensure he was doing things by the letter of the law. They have shown that he has a long history of attempting to follow the proper legal channels in all of his actions.

Additionally, Thuen's site has this to say:

Hi. So, if you're here, you might have read about Battelle's lawsuit against us. Obviously, until the injunction hearing, we can't say anything about what's going on, and until the forensics guys are done imaging our computers, as they are right now, we can't even type it.

But I think it's safe to say that, no, we didn't steal government code and then open-source it. If you'd like to be updated on this case and the proceedings, you can follow us on g+ and twitter. We thank everyone for their support, genuinely. Thanks.

They must have some evidence of a crime, yes.

Nope. As you note later, they need "probable cause". That's not actual evidence, and it's not nearly the high burden of proof you seem to think it is. In this case, the court does have evidence that the defendant had an unauthorized copy of the source code previously, and the defendant has promised to release his own source code "soon". If what he releases is actually his ex-employer's code, that harm would be irreparable. That's plenty of reasonable cause.

That doesn't make sense to me. Probable cause is generally defined as: "a reasonable amount of suspicion, supported by circumstances sufficiently strong to justify a prudent and cautious person's belief that certain facts are probably true".

The plaintiffs own complaint lists out all of the steps he took to ensure that he was taking a legal course of action. The only thing a reasonable person could assume from this is that he was setting himself up to compete with the other company, which obviously, even they realized. A paranoid person might believe that he is using source code illegally, regardless of the evidence in their own claim that suggests otherwise. However, probable cause does not suggest that we take paranoia into consideration. As far as I know, prudent and cautious people don't assume that others act in complete discourse with their past behavior.

Suspicion isn't enough for a search warrant

But suspicion, probable cause, and a pressing time limit are.

They have suspicion, no probable cause, and an artificial time limit which was created by the assumption that their believes are true. In the end, all they have is suspicion and paranoia.

The warrant never should have been granted. Though at least they have opened themselves up to be counter-sued. I hope Thuen takes full advantage of that opening.

Comment Re:The govenment should just double spending. (Score 1) 767

... what it really means is that the US government spent $24 billion less than it would have otherwise.

Unfortunately, no, that is not what it means. The government was still accruing debt while shutdown. We just owe it now instead of owing it a week or two weeks ago.

The government still owes federal employees backpay for the time they were furloughed. They still have to pay out any contractual obligations they are required to pay. They still owe unemployment, disability, and welfare backpay. On the flip side, they may have saved some money on usage based services, and they definitely saved some amount on contractors that are payed by the hour.

In addition to the amount we still spent, the government was not earning money during this time or serving the functions that we pay them for. Nor were those workers (who still earned pay for doing nothing) contributing back to the economy. So not only do we still owe money for the time it was shutdown, but we have less return to show for it. For an example of returns lost while contractual fees are still owed, take the the airshow in San Diego, CA (where I live). The San Diego airshow earned the government about $1.6 million last year, but ended up costing them $600,000 to shut down this year due to cancelling vendors and owing fees for contracted services.

So no, we did not spend $24 billion less. The only way we would have not spent that amount is if the US had actually defaulted on its loans, laid off all of the furloughed employees, and basically ruined our credit. Fortunately, that is not what happened.

Comment Re:Sorry (Score 1) 9

Just got mod points today. I went back and undid most of what I could find with them. I love negating negative people.

Thanks for all your content mcgrew!

Comment Sorry (Score 1) 9

Sorry for the poor experience. Please don't leave Slashdot. :(

There are a lot of annoying people, but then the good people like those above make up for it, in my opinion. Next time I have mod points I will go back and review those. I don't know what I do that tends to get me mod points, but I usually get them every week or two. Maybe it is because I hardly ever post? I'm completely uncertain.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 4chan must DIE!! 9

I just got modded to -1 for calling out a stupid 4channer, and some idiot 4channer wasted all five of his mod points modbombing me.. like it will have any effect whatever. Idiots. Why in the hell do those idiots come to slashdot, to ruin it? Why in the hell do trolls troll? I just don't get it.

I have another chapter ready that I was going to post, but well, the modbombing idiots pissed me off too much. Maybe tomorrow.

Comment Drug Culture. (Score 1) 7

I really know nothing about it apparently. I'm already hooked on this new book though, does that count?

As far as the characters go. So far, I'm liking Tammy more than Desire. I love her snappy come backs.

Comment Re:Off to a great start! (Score 1) 11

I had never seen that site before ( Thank you very much for the url! That's an awesome collection of books that I'll have to parse through a bit. :)

Yeah, I'm very curious about the "drops" too. I keep wondering what they are, their effects, and why it seems like only the women (so far?) are on them. I was thinking that there may be some sort of conspiracy behind it. Very interesting story though. I'll be looking forward to the next piece, regardless of which direction you choose to head it.

Thanks again for the link!

Comment Off to a great start! (Score 1) 11

Honestly, when I read the first few sentences, I was thinking to myself "wow, this is super sexist", but then I kept reading it, and was finally able to separate it mentally from reality. After that, it really grew on me. The guy does seem like an ass at first, but then he also seems a little naive, which is a curious and interesting mix.

Anyhow, I like where this is going, good luck on the rest of it! I love seeing your journal updates, even though I don't comment on most of them, I do read them.

Comment Re:Arms race (Score 1) 216

That would definitely be an interesting turn of events. Especially if Google then sponsored their US citizen employees becoming citizens of other European countries. That would be very interesting, and convenient. Not only would they be moving a large well known business out of the US, but they would also be pulling the talent with them.

Seriously doubt that it will happen, but I would be pleasantly surprised to be wrong.

Comment Re:Get Netflix or turn in your geek card (Score 1) 303

I have my own -theory- on what defines a 'geek' or a 'nerd' that is a lot more loose though (in my opinion), in comparison to the 'geek card' implied stringency.

A geek is just someone who is obsessed with a hobby (work can be considered a hobby sometimes) that is outside of average cultural interests for others of similar stature. A nerd is someone who is not necessarily obsessed, but who generally desires mastery of a given topic or set of topics.

You can be both a nerd and a geek at the same time. In this case, it can be understandable why 'geeks' or 'nerds' from different areas can clash over what makes them a geek or a nerd, and why someone else should turn in their 'geek' and/or 'nerd' card. Also, we might label ourselves a specific type of geek or nerd and tell them that they are out of their jurisdiction. ;)

What do you think?

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