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Comment Re:GPS reliance (Score 5, Interesting) 290

The GP's point still stands. He mentions "that the infrastructure you need to navigate without it has been neglected or even systematically dismantled". This includes lighthouses, many of which are no longer being maintained. I find this a bad idea: they offer a globally distributed and resilient fall-back option to the much more centralised (almost single-point-of-failure) technology that GPS offers.

Comment Re:Common Sense, anyone? (Score 1) 788

But the point is, when people just repeat their HuffPo talking points, they are really clueless about the actual numbers of who pays taxes, and so forth. Most arguments about "the disproportionate tax burden on the poor" come from SSN/Medicare withholdings, which aren't taxes, precisely, since you get the money back eventually. More like a mandatory retirement program.

(Though if you expect SSN to have totally vanished by the time you retire, then sure, it's a tax.)

Yes, thank you for that insight.

Comment Re:What do you mean 2001? (Score 1) 473

They all contain links to weird-looking pages which, of course, I never open.

If you never open them, how do you know the pages look weird? Or did you mean to write "They all contain weird-looking links to pages which, of course, I never open"?

Anyway, I believe many of those work on a slightly different principle: not downloading an EXE but simply asking you to enter your MSN/hotmail password to be able to see the embarrassing pics in question... and then mailing /IM'ing themselves on.

Comment Re:gone? (Score 1) 3

Thanks for the suggestion.

I already looked for it in the browser history but couldn't find it. Don't have the time to retype at the moment... next time, I'll write up the description in a text editor and copy-paste into the browser window. Frankly, I've had similar stuff happen before in a browser and should've learned this lesson already. Oh well.

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