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Journal Journal: WTF? Autoplaying video ads with sound? 2

Slashdot used to be a safe site to visit, it never made noise when you didn't want it to, making it the go-to site for quiet, in-office news aggregation.

Not anymore. I just had to mute my laptop due to a slashdot auto-playing video advert.

Comment Re:Hell No Hillary (Score 1) 676

Clintons had far more than 2 scandals. Look, I realize you were probably in diapers during the Clinton administration, so please google the following:
Vince Foster's death
Ron Brown's death
Rose Law Firm
The alleged rape of Juanita Brodderick
The Paula Jones Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
Bill Clinton lying under oath, aka PERJURY about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky
"It depends what your definition of the word 'is' is"
Missile strikes on an aspirin factory in the Sudan
Removing 'W' from White House keyboards
My God, people... the Clinton administration was the most corrupt in history, and we want to go BACK to that?

Comment Re:More proof religion is another arm of... (Score 1) 39

Subsidiarity is written into Canon Law. The higher you go, the less power you HAVE. The lay person has more power over the domain of his house (or even her house) than the parish priest has over his parish, the parish priest has more power over his congregation than the Bishop has over all the priests combined, Archbishops have even less power over their subject Bishops, and are practically autonomous from the Vatican itself. The Least Competent Authority is a real concept in the Roman Catholic Church- and holds sway.

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panic: kernel segmentation violation. core dumped (only kidding)
