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Comment Re:More proof religion is another arm of... (Score 1) 39

Subsidiarity is written into Canon Law. The higher you go, the less power you HAVE. The lay person has more power over the domain of his house (or even her house) than the parish priest has over his parish, the parish priest has more power over his congregation than the Bishop has over all the priests combined, Archbishops have even less power over their subject Bishops, and are practically autonomous from the Vatican itself. The Least Competent Authority is a real concept in the Roman Catholic Church- and holds sway.

Comment Re:cooperative effort by the Church and the State (Score 1) 39

When faced with an army, I am very much against the concept of self defense. Cooperation is far more prudent.

The difference between a honest upstanding citizen who happens to be black, and the victim of a cop up on charges for murder, is how they react when faced with a gun. Those who choose fight or flight over cooperation in a police state, end up dead.

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