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Comment Spike it (Score 1) 446

Make a spike out of Sch80 PVC
Please trickle in lead low voltage wires for aux power
Batter in bottom
Solar on top to charge it
Airport WiFi for access with Time Capsule or the like
Big enough hard drive to hold everything you'll want.
Do it in RAID-wise with two drives incase one fails.
Use low energy drives so minimal heat.
Seal it all up so moisture stays out.
Bury it under ground with antenna out and cell.
Paranoid? Setup a second remote one.

Comment Re:School is Year Round and Life Long (Score 1) 81

You miss the point. Our family owns, builds, operates and creates it. Same as we did for our house which we also built ourselves, our greenhouse that we also built for ourselves. While you wasted your time in school doing fake things we do real applications and get real benefits. It's a real world out there, kiddo.

Comment School is Year Round and Life Long (Score 3, Interesting) 81

School is never out. We homeschool. We're always learning. It's not classroom sit down book learning much of the time but real world things to a large degree. Projects are multi-discipline.

The latest project our family is almost finished with:
Building a USDA / State inspected modern meat processing facility (a.k.a. butcher shop)

History, government, regulations, economics, business, math, engineering, material sciences, architecture, construction, plumbing, electrical, water supply systems, heating, ventilation, refrigeration, meat cutting and so much more...

Comment Cyberbullying in general needs prosecution (Score 1) 306

Cyberbullying in general needs prosecution. It is not just revenge porn that they need to go after but all the cyberbullies. Currently there is no way to deal with these criminals because you would have to bring a lawsuit in their local court against them which costs a great deal. The police show no interest in dealing with the problems. It crosses state lines. It's a national and international problem, work for the FBI at least for the state by state cases.

Comment Out of Touch Expectations (Score 1) 269

"the industry has learned that they can't rely on Apple's walled garden to make a profit."

Profit was never guaranteed. Anywhere. I wonder what part of the lessons in economics and capitalism did these "Industry" people miss out on? Did they fail the class too? Did they just skip class all together?

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