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Submission + - Abducted Newborn Safe and Sound Thanks to Social Media

vawarayer writes: An AMBER Alert was quickly triggered when newborn Victoria was abducted from a Canadian hospital yesterday. The alert went viral over Twitter and Facebook and grabbed the attention of four teenagers, who reported were passing time away on their smartphones, when they decided to take matters in their own hands.

They started looking for the vehicle reported, then received a picture of the suspect. One of the teenager recognized the suspect and lead police to her, where baby Victoria was found, safe and sound, three hours after the alert was given.

Police, parents, and the heroes of the day all acknowledge that social media, and the widespread sharing of the news, was a key factor in reuniting the family together.

Submission + - The Temperature of Dark Matter

StartsWithABang writes: So maybe you've been convinced — from galaxies, clusters, big bang nucleosynthesis, the cosmic microwave background and the large-scale structure of the Universe — that the Universe really does need dark matter. But we always talk about our Universe as being full of cold dark matter. How do you take the temperature of something you can't directly interact with, though? Starts with a bang has the answer.

Submission + - Flying car crashes (

vawarayer writes: An experimental car has crashed near a school in British-Columbia, Canada. Only five car like this have been produced to this day.

The flying car is a combination of a plane engine, propeller and parasail attached to a dune buggy

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