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Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 112

Women were not allowed to open a bank account or hold a credit card of their own in the US before 1974.

It's not just about social pressure, it was about the entire way our society was structured. The options were far more limited for single women just a few generations ago.

Comment Home Chargers (Score 1) 426

The number of people who have EVs and rely on public charging infrastructure for all their charging is way way too high. I suspect one of the best ways to combat this would be to push harder on home chargers. Increase subsidies for people who want to install them to make it more reasonable. Give more aggressive incentives to landlord to install them on rental properties and force all new large scale residential buildings to be build with them. Sure an increase in chargers will still be necessary as more TVs hit the road but nobody is going to queue up at a grocery store parking lot just to charge their car if they can do it at home. Any time a public fast charger is being used by someone who is not going near or over the range of their car that day we are creating significant inefficiency in the system.

Comment Re:Very neat but it's not an EV killer (Score 1) 158

100 years of internal combustion has left people feeling like the sound of the engine and the rumble of it is essential to the enjoyment of cars. It's understandable when you have spent your life seeing the coolest and sexiest and fastest cars making these growling noises that we have tuned into them. A few generations from now someone will fire up a lambo for demonstration and the complaint will be about all the noise it makes. How did people deal with all that noise and all that complexity? The same way the earliest cars seem so impractical to us but were a miracle in their time.

Comment Re:Not a final decision (Score 0, Troll) 228

Land shouldn't vote. Arbitrary lines drawn on a map over a hundred years ago should not determine the electoral math for an entire country.

Right now an absolute minority of people control a majority of the power in the US and you see no problem with that at all, but if the majority of people wielded the power you have an issue with it because of where they live. You parrot the same BS reasoning for it that you were taught as a child because challenging that narrative is just too difficult.

Comment Re:If crime is really a factor (Score 1) 327

I find it pretty hard to believe that they crime situation has changed that much since these hotels were the top of the heap as far as occupancy. Changes like that take time and it takes even more time for a reputation to develop.

Maybe it has something to do with business travel, the rise of zoom and work from home has almost certainly resulted in a decrease in the amount of business travel, why go to another city just to sit on a zoom call with half or more of the people you are going to meet. I bet these hotels were so full primarily because of this kind of travel

Comment Re:Killer App (Score 1) 360

They literally never showed anyone using one outside, the most public place was a plane. It blows my mind that people seem to think this devices is a replacement for a phone, something you will wear all day, it has a 2 hour battery life. It doesn't even have a cellular connection that they mentioned.

It's a Mac book pro with a completely insane input and screen configuration. In fact I would prefer you could attach it to an external monitor and use it as a regular computer when you don't want the whole AR VR thing. You use it at a desk or on your couch, maybe moving around your house a bit.

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