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Comment Re:Yup (Score 1) 604

That being said, the reason is a lot of companies treat people like shit. It's normal to apply and interview for multiple jobs and take the best one. In this situation i'd have at least let them know it wasnt working out due to some other reason, but ghosting an employer isn't an out-of-line thing to do given that the work environments are often times not worried about dropping you for some reason or another without notice. Ever gotten fired/laid off? You probably got no notice. No reason to do the same unless the company is treating you right and you want to part ways amicably.

Comment Yup (Score 1) 604

Company I worked for for 8 years, after being bought, developed a habit of firing people who put in their notices. Guy I worked with put in a 2month notice, got fired 2 weeks later. Another put in a 2 week notice, fired 2 days later. I basically waited til my stock options vested, had a new job lined up the same day, let my immediate team know I what the deal was, and then put in my 'notice' after I was at the desk of my new job. They called me a bunch and just never answered or signed any papers. Fuck em.

Comment Re:"The Cloud" is just someone else's computer. (Score 1) 508

Your vendor provides a service, and cloud providers provide what are largely ephemeral services. Mission critical infrastructure should be build with redundancy in mind... it sounds like not only did they not build things redundantly, but they did a major boo-boo if their *entire account* was shut down. Pay your bills, offsite backups, and terraform or something and this would have never have happened.

Comment Sorry, but this is your fault. (Score 2) 508

Sorry, but this is your fault. We put multi million and billion dollar clients on AWS and GCP and have never, ever had an issue like this. 1) You're hosting in the cloud and not actually understanding what a cloud provider is or does. 2) You don't have a plan that is reasonable for a multi-million dollar organization, one that includes some level of support or SLA. 3) You're not building with DR in mind. Data should be backed up somewhere safe. Your infrastructure should be 'infrastructure as code' which can be spawned up essentially at a moments notice. 4) Your admins dont have an escalation path that doesnt involve waking up the CFO. 5) Someone did something wrong, either you didnt pay the bills, or your usage was completely fucked so badly they shut your account down? I bet money that it was you didn't pay your bills. Seriously... no offense, but you guys need to look at your business and spend a bit more time/money/effort on building this stuff up in a way that doesn't just fall over...

Comment Why is this news? (Score 1) 164

Seriously what the fuck /.? Lenovo has had this on their netbooks for 1...2 years now?'s a novelty. SO much faster to type in 6 characters than wait for a scan and get in. Ive tried with photos and such and didn't work so it's not 100% retarded. I'd say only 99%.

Comment Re:iAds (Score 1) 1184

I find this one the most interesting feature.


-1 offtopic for talking about what Jobs is showing in the unveiling powerpoint presentation? Apple fanboys have raided Slashdot, and they're retarded.

Comment Prediction (Score 1) 75

User: Oh hey, I'm going to cruise to Starbucks and get some work done. *meanders on to Starbucks with netbook/phone bundle, sits down, opens SSH connection* *receives phone call* User: Oh fuck... Sure hope you nohup'd that last command before you pull out your internet connection to take a call, buddy.

Comment Re:Man! (Score 1) 483

I find curious how apathetic people are these days.

It's like a toon character:

"Hey! Look! The Earth is being destroyed!" "Yo, man! That sucks!"

Earth may be doomed, but is there hope for us?

As opposed to "OH NO THE WORLD IS ENDING!?!?! Kill your children before they have to suffer the same fate we will!". The whole situation fucked up, nothing you say or do can change that. Welcome to the real world, deal with it and QQ.

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