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Comment So they can get away with this (Score 1) 72

Because they have a de facto Monopoly on search and long-form video. They are also the only other viable operating system for phones.

If we do not start enforcing antitrust law pretty much everything is going to collapse. The problem is that we need to start making political decisions based on economics and not moral panics and culture wars.

This is hard because people don't understand the difference between a moral panic and civil rights. You can explain the difference to people but like Reagan said if you're explaining you're losing.

But as hard as it is we've got to do it because the alternatives are terrible.

Comment Every new feature in Windows 11 (Score 4, Interesting) 139

Is for the benefit of Microsoft and at the detriment of the user. Even the most hardcore Microsoft Fanboys hate it. They somehow made a operating system worse than millennium. Hell it now nags you if you don't have a brand new CPU supposedly because of AI features but let's not get ourselves that's just Microsoft helping oems sell new computers. It's that kind of crap people hate and that drives them to stop computing on Windows.

Comment Oh for fucks sake (Score 2, Insightful) 85

It's 2%. Yes from Wall Street standpoint that's the end of the world and we should just shut everything down and kill everyone and everything. But from normal human standpoints you just build out a little bit of extra capacity. It's just kind of gross how endless growth has taken over every aspect of our civilization because we are continuously running away from the giant monstrous dragon that is Wall Street hoping the dragon eats The Hobbit before us

Comment It ends Internet anonymity (Score 1) 139

Surveillance is the big thing here. This ends internet anonymity for most people (who won't have the money or skills to use a VPN safely). Your information is now on file with the State of Texas and they know everything you're accessing.

Now if they want to destroy a political opponent it's as easy as getting that data leaked. This massively increases their ability to track dissidents too.

It's classic "think of the children" stuff where essential liberty is given up for a false sense of security. It's terrifying, and it's all possible thanks to our partisan & extremist courts.

Comment It's very worthwhile (Score 1) 225

because people in capitalist countries think they're safe from fascism because they live in a capitalist country. So they let their guard down in classic "It Can't Happen Here" fashion.

The United States is experiences exactly that right now as I type this, with detailed plans to install the next Republican president as a dictator floating around out in the open and in public because the general public thinks it's impossible here in capitalist America.

Comment That wasn't communism, it was fascism (Score 2) 225

Stalin, who used communist rhetoric to prop up his fasicst regime, caused the famine. And the same way Mao did (and for the same reason), they believed in a discredited form of evolution called "Lamarckian evolution" where plants and animals are supposed to get stronger based on their environment, so the morons forced farmers to double plant, the farmers couldn't say no out of fear of death and the double planting inevitably resulted in famines. The Stalin added fuel to the fire by denying food to places that opposed him politically.

Again, fascism. In this case both Mao & Stalin bought into these discredited theories because they implied the land itself was responsible for the character of the people, e.g. it was a type of hyper nationalism common to fascism.

It's important to understand the distinction because you very likely think you're safe since you're not in a communist nation.

You're not safe. Multiple countries are moving in the direction of fascism and you won't see it coming because a pair of tin pot dictators picked Marx's books for their rhetoric.

Comment So we're about to have a massive demand increase (Score 1) 25

for electricity & water (yes, you can recycle that water, but data centers prefer not to because, well, it's cheaper to just use subsidized water). This while several electric grids are having a hard time keeping up and the entire American Southwest in in a massive drought.

And what exactly are we getting for it? I mean sure, LLMs have some really great uses for scientific endeavors, but let's face it all the buzz is around replacing jobs.

You're not just getting replaced with a machine, they're going to take your water & electricity.

Comment People definitely upgrade (Score 2) 216

It's just years and years later that they do it. In the past that wasn't an issue for the manufacturers because he destroyed most laptops so that they didn't have to worry about the used market. But modern CPUs and gpus are not getting any faster but they are getting cooler so laptops are lasting longer.

A surefire way to build obsolescence into your product so that you're not losing sales down the road is to solder in ram. This is especially true for Apple devices.

As an added bonus you can't just buy a cheaper Apple product and then put your own ram in. I don't know if it's still true but at one point Apple was basically a ram company. It was something like 30 or 40% of their profit. I remember buying my kid a macbook in college and having to pay an extra $300 for the 8 gigs of RAM when I could pick up that much RAM for 45 bucks and that was at retail

Comment Relax it'll be fine (Score 0) 24

By the time election season rolls around virtually everyone is going to have been exposed to some ai fakes. It's not at all unusual for a high-ranking individual in the company to be suspended pending an investigation. Investigation was conducted and he was put back in place. Meanwhile this story is making the rounds and hundreds of thousands of people are going to see it.

All in all it'll be fine. The sort of person who is foolish enough to vote based on a deep fake is going to get a hell of a lot more advertising thrown at them which is going to be far more effective than the occasional social media deep fake. And frankly those people only make up about 20% of the voting electorate anyway.

Deep fakes are going to quickly force people to start critically thinking for the first time in a long time maybe forever. Long-term it will force people to make competent decisions instead of just trusting their gut.

Comment So they just have some actual competition (Score -1, Flamebait) 76

Wall Street got used to Intel having literally no competition for any kind of workstation CPU. AMD was being propped up by Microsoft and frankly Intel too for the longest time. It wasn't until the Ryzens that they started to catch up.

Landing the contracts for the PlayStation and Xbox really helped on the gaming front because they put an underpowered CPU in both forcing developers to finally switch to multicore programming in order to get the kind of performance they needed out of the consoles. Until then the CPU and the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 were so much more powerful than the gpus that everything was just single threaded and maybe occasionally they'd use a core to decompress audio

these days until has serious competition in their main space. And it's been like that for years. Neither company has been able to compete with the mobile processor manufacturers on power efficiency.

The only problem here is that we have to worry about Wall Street plundering and gutting Intel for short-term gains similar to what's happening to Tesla right now. If that happens they'll fall massively behind because they won't have the capital to keep up with AMD and we'll be back to one CPU manufacturer

Comment Re:Reproduction? (Score 4, Interesting) 75

The nitrogen fixing organelle is the very subject of the OP's article.

> These independent lines of evidence leave little doubt that UCYN-A has surpassed the role of a symbiont. And while mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved billions of years ago, the nitroplast appears to have evolved about 100 million years ago, providing scientists with a new, more recent perspective on organellogenesis.

The new evidence is not that this symbiosis is new, but that it's functionally an early stage organelle dependent on some proteins from the host and in the process of merging.

Comment Re:Is Cloud Streaming killing console sales? (Score 1) 24

No. Nintendo switch sales and even PS5 sales have been strong. There just isn't a lot of reason to buy an Xbox.

Microsoft has bought up tons and tons of developers so they could lock the games to their platforms but the problem with that is modern games are so incredibly expensive they can't really afford to let the PlayStation 5 platform go unless they want to massively subsidize their gaming division and their CEO doesn't like that. Hell even Sony is talking about putting their games out on the Xbox.

For multiplayer games that are focused on moving DLC yeah you want to keep it in your ecosystem so you can take that cut of the DLC revenue but for single player games the money is paid on the sale of the game itself so you need it on every single platform you can manage to squeeze it on. Especially when you consider every one of these consoles except the switch is just a PC.

Comment Smarter (Score 2) 221

the word you were looking for is "smarter". They smell your bullshit and they're not buying it.

As a kid I could be tricked into working *really* fucking hard for *really* low pay. Took a long time to grow out of that. My kid fell into it too, really pissed me off.

As an American you're taught from day 1 that your life isn't valuable and the only thing that makes it valuable is hard work.

Comment We're just moving it to India (Score 0) 107

so that we can start a cold war. Russia has dropped off as a threat now that they can't take a nation the size of California and the GDP of Mississippi. EVs will gradually make the middle east irrelevant too.

Without a threat they'll be a winding down our military spending, so China's on tap. For their part I'm sure they could use a little of the old MIC to keep their economy going. Not the best way to do socialism but I guess it works after a fashion.

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