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Comment Re:Don't worry, they'll try again (Score 1) 229

Well, seeing as how the soon-to-be-former Disney IT folks were being forced to train their replacements, Disney had to know they were in a bad situation. Imagine the fix Disney would have been in had everyone told them to stuff their 2-3 month's salary bribes^Wseverance and boxed up their personal items after that initial meeting and there'd had been no knowledge transfer? One can only hope that someday, somewhere an IT team will band together and tell their employers to keep their paltry severance and walk out the door. (And, hopefully, straight to the press.)

Comment Re:Such a nice, sugary story.... (Score 3, Interesting) 614

I've trained my replacement before. Or I should say I trained my replacements before. My sysadmin job was sliced and diced to be done by multiple "teams". User account management? Separate team. Storage? Separate team. Backups? Separate team. You get the picture. Another admin and I conducted more than one online training session for each of these teams and those were followed up by two (count 'em!) in-person visits by several members of each of the teams. After my end date came around, the outsourcing company hired me on as a contractor (at about the same as I was making but I actually made out pretty well since the contract work was entirely remote and I had zero transporation costs). For the better part of four years I was still doing most of the work that was supposed to have been farmed out to these teams. Everything these teams were supposed to be doing was taking 2-3 times longer as tasks would sit and sit and sit in the queue until some manager got me involved. It was rather pathetic. Cost savings? Where? Well, I guess my previous employer didn't have to pay out my bonus anymore and I wasn't taking paid vacation time.

Comment Re:Such a nice, sugary story.... (Score 4, Insightful) 614

``In 2009 Bill Gates sat before the US congress, and explained that the tech industry was suffering from huge shortages, and desperately needed more foreign guest workers. At the same time, Microsoft was laying off thousands of US workers.''

And, no doubt, not a single one of those simpleminded Congresscritters called him out on the hypocricy.

Comment Probably for the best... (Score 1) 156


If we're unable to reproduce and dying off from testicular cancer, there will be less pressure on the food supply that will be dwindling as the pesticides kill off the bee population and the plant pollenation function they perform. The humans that are left can do that pollenation by hand when the bees are all gone.

See... it's all good!


Comment As little as 32MB? (Score 1) 227

I can recall when an entire Linux -- not "pared down" -- ran in "as little as" 16MB. (No X Windows; server only.) It was the Anaconda installer that forced me to upgrade systems to 32MB. (At least temporarily; after getting Linux installed I could pull out that extra memory.) Of course, this was a "few" years ago. Nowadays, I have more memory than that in my old Laserjet. What's limiting these devices to have only 32MB? Power?

Comment Re:It's like dumb and dumber: zuckerberg edition (Score 1) 170

That's actually a rather good analogy because in the early days of automobiling, you had to know how to fix and maintain a car in order to operate one, either for work or for pleasure. And they were very simple machines that had a rather low barrier to learning how to maintain.

Then later on, as cars got more complex, it became a pleasure to work on them, partly because overcoming the growing barrier was itself rewarding, and it came with a social cache.

Gradually, though, we've come to the point where even the most technically gifted people have to take their car to a mechanic for anything but basic maintenance, and the barrier to being a mechanic is now so high that few people do it as a hobby.

For the automobile, this process took over a century. Personal computers and programming have progressed this entire gamut since I first sat down at a computer in 1977. (A DEC printer terminal in a high school janitor closet, connected to the city hall mainframe. The account I had access to had a program called STARTREK.BAS. You can guess the rest... and remember, it was a printer terminal.)

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