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Comment Re:Why? Nobody uses NFC payments (Score 1) 187

With KitKat (Android 4.4 on a Nexus 5), you press the button to wake the phone, tap on the payment thing (starts Google Wallet, no interaction other than the tap), then enter a PIN number for Google Wallet (the user interaction/verification). There's another tap to verify the total and you are done. There is no scenario that doesn't require the PIN.

I wish my local grocery stores supported it.

Comment Re:Loose Lips Sinik Ships (Score 1) 248

Sort of sarcasm, but maybe the government should double down on the no-fly list to attempt to obtain evidence that it is effective.

First, they need to report the number of people denied the ability to travel due to the no-fly list.

Then, they need to start detaining and comprehensively searching anyone denied the ability to fly due to the no-fly list. This allows for the collection of ACTUAL evidence that the list is effective at stopping potential criminal activity on a flight. Anyone found with weapons or explosives should obviously be arrested, and that is the evidence.

Thus we would have statistics, how many people have been detained and how many have been arrested for weapons or explosives when trying to fly.

Of course it's all security theater, designed to both install fear in us and at the same time assuage that fear because the government is doing something about it.

For the record, my bag gets hand searched every time I fly. Having a container of baby powder will result in this every time - takes about 10 minutes to search my bag and then drug test my butt powder. And I always ask for a pat down rather than going through a machine. I've been temped to strip down to my underwear before (almost pulled the trigger on that idea when they were yelling at people to take their shoes and jackets off a few years ago). I hate flying these days (it was awesome fun in the late 1990s though).

Comment Re:Executive Orders Need to Expire, and Quickly (Score 1) 180

Per your sig, which I love more than any other song to play on guitar (excepting Follow You Into the Dark, which my 4 year old daughter requests at bedtime, my son requests Jack and Diane...), we are all in a cage if there is an emperor. I thought, via Civics in high school, that we didn't have an emperor.

Apparently, I have been wrong in my assumptions.

Comment Re:Executive Orders Need to Expire, and Quickly (Score 2) 180

So be it. I would take nothing over the Executive Orders. Congress passed the Patriot Act (terrible, terrible legislation), they would support some things.

No action is better than enforced action "requested" by a very small group (or a single person). Regardless of the implications (freedom an liberty before "risk" type stuff).

Checks and balances appear to be nothing more than bank notes and the ability to stand upright.

Comment Executive Orders Need to Expire, and Quickly (Score 4, Insightful) 180

This is crazy. It seems Executive Orders are non-legislation afforded the impact of law.

Executive Orders should expire after a couple of years, or when a Presidential inauguration occurs, whichever comes first. Continuation should require Congress to pass it as ACTUAL law. And changes outside of that period MUST be ACTUAL LAW!!!!!


Sorry for the caps, I RTFA and it pissed me off.

I would suggest Executive Orders be done away with completely, they are an "I am the King" method of ruling. Not leading, ruling, controlling.

Comment Re:straight from the OMFG NO dept (Score 2) 364

Has to be budget. Seeing as most comments here said the earlier seasons were better (I haven't watched in a couple of years as well), ratings are probably dropping. And with that comes reductions in ad revenue. And with that comes cost reduction.

In fact, IMDB ratings of the show, have fallen from 7.5 to 6.5 over the course of the show (turn on the Series Trendline):

Why all three? Who knows? But they each have a kick ass resume, that's for sure.

Comment Get one that Amazon Sells, not Fulfills (Score 4, Interesting) 131

Amazon offers 30 day returns. If it fails fast they will take it back. Be wary of items they just fulfill, return policies vary (and Amazon has great service). Compare the manufacturers warranties, ask a question on the Amazon item pages.

Read the most recent reviews. I've seen several "different item/different serial #" issues with Dell batteries. Items presented can change over time, they are mutable.

Don't rush. You've been putting up with the performance you are seeing, you can take it another week or two.

Anyway, that's how I buy batteries...

Comment Re:You'll be impressed (Score 1) 66

I was also going to point that out. Any graphics program can blur and image with very similar results.

I could see a benefit to this for pattern recognition, such as determining people's ancestral makeup or what breeds a particular dog is composed of.

The key would be well defined inputs. A large sample of each possible output value would be needed, along with details about a particular value. This would be the training (200 Labradors, 200 Beagles, etc.).

But the next step, testing/usage, requires different software (as far as I know), but their algorithms could probably be re-purposed for it. It would take the new input and compare it against a library of averaged specific samples, somehow determining a % match for each. Then it could provide an estimate of a multi-source makeup (mixed dogs, mixed humans, etc.).

Something of this nature, might be able to identify mixed genetics visually, or to help identify minute genetic differences in a given population (without a ton of tedious study/measurements). I'm thinking of the finches in the Galapagos Islands, that sort of thing. The "purity" of the inputs would be critical. Multiple angles would probably be necessary for animals.

Easy to see negative eugenics type uses (and I think useful applications would be of limited value, maybe).

Comment Re:regulations! (Score 1) 93

Verizon has a straight path to less regulation. Of course they are going to take it. Less regulation = less overhead, lower legal costs, lower operating costs, etc.

The solution, in this case, appears to be additional regulation, regardless of how the service is provided. Require them to provide a minimum of 14 days guaranteed service during a power outage, if the wire is intact, regardless of how service is provided (this would of course include VOIP modems in homes, a reasonably sized battery could handle up time, and the regulation should only be for "available" not covering excessive use). If the wire is cut then the wire is cut, no service.

Alarm companies have been providing better power outage time service via in-home batteries for years.

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