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Comment Need to follow the proper approach (Score 1) 141

Someone needs to bring a suit through the lower Federal courts and the appellate level. That's how to have a chance of getting a Supreme Court review.

I know very little with regards to this stuff, only that the Supreme Court rarely hears cases directly (the Bush Jr./Gore election was one time that I know of).

Comment Re:Two drives not feasible for laptops (Score 1) 353

With my laptop, when my platter only hard drive died I put a 1TB hybrid SSD drive in as a replacement. I'm not sure of the SSD cache size, but OS operations were instantly faster (boot and things I use a lot). As well, anything I use regularly such as Visual Studio or Photoshop now start up in 3-4 seconds.

I would recommend hybrid drives for any laptop user, it is a great upgrade and the price was very reasonable.

Submission + - NASA is Ending Most Activites With Russia Over Ukraine/Crimea (cnn.com) 1

turp182 writes: NASA is suspending much of its work with Russia in light of its actions in Ukraine but said it will continue to collaborate with Russia's space agency on International Space Station operations.

A statement sent out by NASA on Wednesday said the U.S. space agency was acting "given Russia's ongoing violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

Comment Re:The really amazing thing... (Score 1) 193

It does seem like a lot of people, one has to assume that there is only one system per person (there could be overlap with the Chromebooks for people that require portability). In 2011 the borough had a population of 187,000. 2,300 admin positions would be 1.23% of the population..

The unreasonable thing is being able to go from 3,500 XP desktops to a number closer to 2,000. I'd like to know how the number of total system can be reduced by 35% or more??? Maybe they are counting a warehouse of retired systems (which would be an unfair comparison)?

The reduction does not compute...

Comment The US Government will buy the patents (Score 1) 99

A breakthrough that could dramatically improve infrared imaging (functionality, form factor, etc.) will be patent controlled by the US Government for military and then some aftermarket product no where near the mil-specs. The ability see in the dark is awesomely powerful to military operations.

I've researched infrared sensors (Arduino), but the easily available ones are 8x2 or 4x4 PIXELS resolutions, only good for a few feet (great for detecting heat loss in a home). I wanted to piece together a campsite intrusion alarm and looked into radar, infrared, and motion based sensors. Nothing in a reasonable price range is available beyond 20 yards or so (I wanted 50 yards, with the sensor array pole mounted in the center of my campsite). Now I'm looking into a campsite weather station...

And I can't blame the US for controlling such technology. I would if I were running things, same for military satellite imaging. These are strategic and operational assets of the highest order.

At the same time, I believe that military spending should be cut considerably, such a move would increase the importance of such technologies, they are effectively force multipliers.

Comment Re:Gary Johnson! (Score 1) 282

Doing something newsworthy won't change much. The two-party system is ingrained. Both parties suck (Congress has an approval rating of 13%, up from 9% earlier in 2013: http://www.gallup.com/poll/166...).

Both parties are willing to change their rules to prevent uprisings in their organizations. And the two parties control media exposure, specifically debates, the last independent/3rd party candidate that was invited to a Presidential Debate was Ross Perot. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U...

The two parties are doing their best to destroy themselves (a solution I have figured they would do for a quite a while), but their control over the election system is almost absolute. States work to keep third parties from getting ballot space.

New rule: If a candidate is going to be on the Presidential ballot in 10 or more states, he/she should be allowed to participate in the debates. This would help, the country needs new ideas outside of the norm (which is mostly fueled by ethical standings such as access to abortion - the two parties are one and the same, supporting big government, big military/wars).

Comment Re:Communism is the only way forward (Score 4, Interesting) 870

FYI, that is referred to as a "Barrier to Entry". Starting an insurance company these days is basically impossible due to such (for said industry the requirements can vary widely by state, and screw New York).

Another example of a "Barrier to Entry" is the pains the ride-sharing sites are experiencing (by state/local, livery is very regulated and fee-d).

Those past the Barrier have a lot of regulations, but they don't have to worry about the barrier itself.

Comment Re:Battery life? (Score 1) 217

I bring a 12 volt battery camping, 35 amp hours with 4 cigarette plugs available (30amp fuse on the main, 10 amps for each plug) in a marine battery case. I can power phone chargers, a laptop (using a 12 volt power cord, pretty efficient), fans, a bug zapper, and even an electric blanket (4 amps per hour, but auto-off after 30 minutes so it's only a 2 amp draw). I also have a quality 800/1600 watt inverter which can power most things I may bring except power tools (works great for charging power tool batteries).

Yeah, it isn't hardcore camping, but I camp a lot (30+ nights per year), and with my kids (4 years old this year).

This is probably overkill for your use case (for most everyone). But, it wouldn't be difficult to setup a smaller battery in the 5 to 7 amp hour range (5 pounds of battery). It would be far more portable and more than enough to charge a couple of phones for a three day weekend.

You can also get a lightweight, foldable solar charger, here's one on Amazon with 2 USB ports for $70:

Just some ideas, there are plenty of ways to apply technology to power our technology when in remote locations. If only cell service was available everywhere...

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