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Comment Re:not quite (Score 1) 81

It wasn't too bad back in the day having 2 partitions on the HD. I had a 32MB C: and a 8MB D:
According to Michal at the os2museum, this is DOS 4.01, at least according to some comments. Git destroyed the time stamps unluckily.

Comment Re:What? No Pedophile Fuel? (Score 1) 113

Wasn't the age of consent 7 years old back then, and right to the beginning of the 20th century in places? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... shows variations, mostly around puberty, sometimes younger. Delaware for example had 7 years as the age of consent until 1895. Common law seems to have been around 12 years old for girls, 14 for boys.
Teenagers didn't really exist until the 20th century and even childhood is fairly recent with kids starting work at as young as 5 years and marriage pretty common as soon as the kids were old enough, as in hitting puberty.

Comment Re:That's not LA (Score 1) 241

No, before the 25.4mm inch was accepted, the American inch was 25.4000508mm and up till recently lived on as the surveyors inch. At the time the UK inch was 25.399977 mm. Part of the problem is the size of the meter in 1893, or rather the prototypes, which were not quite what they are now. It's a problem with defining the metre as based on the distance from the equator to the pole as it originally was IIRC.

Comment Re:Well, there's one logical consequence (Score 1) 149

Socialism is just the workers owning the means of production, or now a days, services, usually with a democratic type of management.
Examples include Credit Unions and CO-OP's. In Spain and Northern Italy there are lots of worker owned businesses. It is hard to have Socialism without property rights along with things like the means to enforce contracts, at least in our type of society. The first paragraph of, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

Socialism is an economic and political philosophy encompassing diverse economic and social systems[1] characterised by social ownership of the means of production,[2] as opposed to private ownership.[3][4][5] It describes the economic, political, and social theories and movements associated with the implementation of such systems.[6] Social ownership can take various forms, including public, community, collective, cooperative,[7][8][9] or employee.[10][11] Traditionally, socialism is on the left wing of the political spectrum.[12] Types of socialism vary based on the role of markets and planning in resource allocation, and the structure of management in organizations.[13][14]

Worth reading the next paragraphs too as the article goes on about market vs non-market forms of Socialism etc.
Always good to get educated away from the propaganda Americans get blasted with.

Comment Re:Oldest? (Score 2) 80

Wouldn't be surprised if 6502's are still manufactured. Seems that the 65C02 is still manufactured and similar chips with the original NMOS 6502 also available, though it is hard to find if it is still manufactured. The 6502 is a year older then the Z80 and generally the 65C02 is close to a drop in replacement and as long as you weren't depending on unofficial opcodes or bugs, works fine.
Interesting article, https://hackaday.com/2022/12/0...

Comment Re:Peace and prosperity (Score 1) 123

Canadian here, governments are resisting like crazy to make any agricultural changes, instead pumping more and more money into supporting the farmers suffering from drought. I also don't know how more drought will benefit us, there's already close to 50 fires burning, many in the far north.
Huge waves of refugees from those countries close to the equator also doesn't seem like it would be a benefit.

Comment Re:And there's the little footnote (Score 1) 229

I don't think an unwanted child is going to be happier, nor a child whose parents would rather not be together and blame the child. Of course there are those who think it is better to be tortured then not.
Too many marriages happen due to mistakes, often pregnancy and that is what leads to a bad marriage and often divorce.
As for women currently getting subjugated, consider all the laws on stopping a women from evicting an unwanted guest. A man can shoot a trespassing child and claim standing his ground, a bit of a hassle until he is exonerated as the law says you can stand your ground. Never are men punished for causing the need for an abortion, while women are subjugated to punishment, even in cases of rape in some States, and usually it is man that initiates the whole thing leading to the unwelcome guest who needs evicting with the argument that eventually it will be a person with a soul.

Comment Re:A mix (Score 2) 131

It always takes a human soldier to deal with another human because even in the most vicious wars outright eradication of the local populace actually defeats the purpose of why you're fighting in the first place.

If you're fighting for their land, eradicating the population may be the goal. It was often the goal in America when expanding into land that had natives, seems to be a goal of the current Israeli government

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