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Comment Sharepoint (Score 1) 158

Easy to stand up, difficult to maintain. The people who created this site probably were lowest-bidder IT contractors with little programming experience. The page template looks like it is doing a string comparison of the browser version against "6" to see if they need to load fixup code. This is probably just original boiler plate code provided by Microsoft; "10", "11", ... will cause this IE6 support code to get loaded which then makes things worse rather than better. The people who created this site are long gone and the people who work there probably are going through the processes of getting permission to hire a contractor to fix it which includes adding it to the next budget cycle. Clearly none of them have the ability to go in and delete 3 lines from the page template.

Comment Re: RO not very expensive (Score 1) 417

Half a cent per gallon is 7,727 times MORE per gallon than a Los Angeles resident typically pays if they manage to stay in Tier 1 pricing all year. For facts concerning Los Angeles water rates see: .

You are orders of magnitude off in understanding pricing in the water commodity market. Not that RO can't be done, just about every golf course and condo Cabo San Lucas BSC MX is watered via reverse osmosis. However, the valuations of each of those condos is in the millions per 1,000 sq ft so the investment makes sense for the developers. When the average home price in California picks up a couple more digits, RO will make perfect sense.

Comment Tri-state logic (Score 1) 1089

Instead lets call the result of an election that does not have a majority of participants NULL. In the case of a congressional election, no one fills the seat. This will drive candidates back to the center. Our current system that has party members pandering to the extremes in their parties which results in a dysfunctional, polarized Congress.

Comment What aboard was worth killing for? (Score 3, Interesting) 208

It bugs me that from the beginning the MH370 disappearance does not seem to first be being approached as a possible criminal act. Were there any outrageous insurance claims following the flight? Were known drug kingpins contacted about losses that wouldn't normally be reported? Was there something on that plane worth (to an appropriately depraved mind) killing all of those people for?

Comment Re:Elite? (Score 1) 85

Charge a lot and have some associated token luminaries... That's how.

There is a reason the venture capitol people like this. The vast majority of University money goes to facilities, not lecturers. These people have eliminated facilities but are not charging 10%, they are charging 50%. That's pure profit baby!

Comment 220,000 Employees (Score 1) 384

This is a loss of $24,090 per employee. In the US, this company would fire 1/3 of its employees, demand the rest work 60 hour weeks and would recover in two years from a loss like this. None of that can happen in Europe. Instead the government will give them a 'loan'. They can't really buy more shares to resolve the issue at this point since the shares should be worth nothing.

Comment Refactoring often done for understanding (Score 1) 247

Most refactoring that I have observed over the last 30+ years was done primarily because the person handed the code did not understand it as it was. The refactoring process is very often the process through which a new developer figures out how old code works. Everyone likes to think that their refactoring was some sort of improvement over the previous code base, but the truth is this is only likely to be true about half the time. Considering that inexperienced engineers do more refactoring than experienced engineers, refactoring probably only brings actual improvement of any form to the code base less than half the time. The big plus is you now have a new guy that has ownership of something in the product. This benefit is hard to quantify, but should not be underestimated.

Comment Apple knew this would be abused (Score 1) 57

Apple made the business decision to have the instant credit provided by a 3rd party. There was a lot of money to be made in this channel and Apple is sitting on billions in cash so why did Apple not provide the credit directly? Because they knew this would be abused and they couldn't put a solid number on the potential downside. There are probably some interesting emails to be subpoenaed by an enterprising attorney on this subject. I would guess the Apple CFO would have been for offering the credit directly and the CMO against it.

Comment Re:The problem isn't science its ethics (Score 1) 958

We ruthlessly study the digestive biology of commercial animals. We perform surgery on thousands of cows, sheep and goats to intercept their food as it passes through their system and we study their excrement in excruciating detail. Commercial operators know exactly how lean the beef will be based on the animal's food. We don't come close to doing this humans. Humans also don't eat the same thing every meal which greatly complicates the entire study. But at no point would we study humans in the way we do commercial animals.

Comment Re:Time for a class action lawsuit (Score 1) 468

Wouldn't it be bigger pain be for UbiSoft if innocent victims all sued in small claims court? UbiSoft would loose almost all cases by default. Class action lawsuits only exist to make attorneys rich. Settlement money never reaches the consumer. If the consumer is lucky they get some sort of discount coupon that has no value if they no longer want to business with the company sued.

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